Hungover Morning

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I woke up with my head in pieces. I groaned and reached for my phone. What the..? Ohhh, yeah.. I dropped it while I was pissed. Dammit. I rubbed my temples. I had some weird fucking dream with cereal and a spoon. I must've had a really rough night out. I hope my landlord didn't see me, otherwise I'd be out of here before I could give her even half of my rent.

I stumbled out of my room and fell backwards in shock as I bumped into someone. And then I remembered it all. 

"Watch where you're going," I grumbled.

"Okey dokey yo," Wonho shrugged. 

"Don't forget that you and your buddies need to be gone by the time I get back from work," I said sternly. 

He smiled and held his thumbs up. "I think you should be nicer to Jooheon. You knocked him right out yesterday," 

I don't remember meeting him. It's just a coincidence of them having the same name I bet. It won't be Tem's brother. No way.

I checked my alarm clock and it was 6am.  I yawned and headed to get breakfast. I took a double take at each guy I passed on the way to the kitchen, trying to recall their names. I ran my fingers lazily through my hair and put a slice of bread in the toaster. It soon popped up, making me jump, and I buttered it quickly before taking a big bite. I put it down on a plate while I got some orange juice from the fridge, but it was soon taken by Wonho. I gave him a death glare as I downed my drink.

Then I caught sight of the living room. It was a complete mess, blood on the carpet, cans of drink littered on the floor, along with red stained cloths, bandages, and of course, Hyungwon on the sofa. He was blinking, which meant he was alive, which I guess was a good thing.

I frowned and headed into the kitchen to see Shownu eating some more of my cereal and another one slumped over the counter. I recognised him. "No fucking way.." I huffed. "Jooheon?" I raised my voice slightly. 

The figure hummed and lifted his head. "Oh, you," He mumbled before putting his bruised face back on the surface. This was the best part of the situation. No one asked whether we knew each other because they really didn't give a shit.

"Yah, your sister's pissed off at you," I told him. 

"You don't say," He replied snarkily. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a piece of toast off of someone else's plate, since Wonho stole mine earlier.

"Hey! That's mine," Kihyun whined.

"Tough. This apartment's mine," I retorted. 

I ignored the offended expression on his face and poked Wonho's back before I left for work. "Remember the deal,"

"Yup," He grinned. 

I had so many doubts, and I reluctantly left my apartment with these strangers still in it. I stepped out and tried to enjoy my eventual freedom. I jumped down the stairs and opened the main door to leave, not bothering to check if there was any post for me. It would've only been bills anyway. I could see the street a few steps away, but I heard my landlady call me over. I cringed. 

I approached her with an audible sigh and began my piece about how I most definitely should not get kicked out, and that I will certainly pay my rent for the umpteenth time. "Look, I promise that by the end of the month you'll have everything I owe," 

She laughed at me a little. One of those obnoxious high pitched laughs that suited her personality so perfectly. "Oh, sweetie, I wasn't going to talk about that... These two kind police officers wanted to have a word," She smiled innocently. Faker. 

I bet she thought I had gotten into trouble or something with the law, so she wouldn't have to get rid of me. Bitch. I gave her a hard glare before moving onto the two frowning officers engaged in a low voiced conversation behind her. 

I took a deep breath. "Can I help you?"

"Ah, yes... Jisung, right? Owner of apartment 14?"

"Yes," I nodded to confirm. 

"Yesterday we received a report of some suspicious people entering your apartment, followed by excessive noise,"

I took a quick intake and my eyes widened slightly, but not obviously, before I snapped back into calm mode. "Uh, really?" I said.

"Yes. Do you mind if we search your apartment?" One of them asked. 

First word that came to mind was shit. I wondered whether they had a warrant or not, but I didn't want to raise their suspicions any more. "Um, well, I'm sorry, but I really must go to work, otherwise I'll be late. Maybe you could come by later?" I suggested. That's right, I can be a smooth liar. I knew I needed to buy them more time. Whatever they were up too, I knew for sure that it was against the law. I mean, one of them was shot!

"Alrighty then miss. When will you be back?"

I smiled out of relief and victory. "About 4pm,"

They jotted it down in a notebook and said their goodbyes. I left hurriedly to work with a plan. I would use the phone at work to call my home phone and tell them to get out. It's not like I'm helping them too much. Despite bringing a dying guy into my home, I'm not a tattle-tale; never was, never will be, that's for sure.

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