A: Leave (Part 2)

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"She's awake!"

"Oh thank god... Send her friends in quick before they start vandalising the place," Someone sighed, and walked away.

I opened my eyes and squinted as my vision adjusted to the brightness of the room. I lifted my head up and groaned when I saw I was in a hospital. Another bill to pay was not what I needed. I was startled to see a little girl to my left, lying down and staring at me intently with a grin. I frowned at her and gave a slight wave.

"Hello Jisung! I know something bad must've happened to you because lots of important people were talking about you yesterday... I'm sorry about your eye,"

I gulped and sat up. "It's okay..." I reached up to my face tentatively and felt the bandages over my right eye. My breathing rate quickened, but I knew it would be better for me to stay calm for now. I mean, my other eye was completely fine. "What happened to you?" I asked, turning the subject on her. How could I explain those sorts of horrible things to a child?

"I can't pronounce it properly, so don't laugh! But I think it's something like sco-los-is...? Aish, I'm not too sure anymore," She huffed, furrowing her eyebrows.

I laid my head back down on the pillow and watched as someone approached me with a sympathetic smile. "Minjoo, leave this poor lady alone!" She scolded the girl in the bed next to me. "It's fine, she didn't do any--," I began. The woman ignored me and cut me off.

"Now, Jisung, do you remember what happened yesterday evening?" She asked me softly.

I rolled my eyes at her. Of course I fucking remembered; I was pretty much shot. "Yes..."

"That's a relief. Luckily for you, the bullet only grazed the side of your head; however, a shrapnel of the bullet was embedded in your right eye. But other than that, you seem to have no after effects, which means that you should recover quickly," She continued.

"What do you mean a bullet only grazed my head?! And you just skimmed over the fact that I'm half fucking blind!! It's still a bullet wound! Where are the others? What happened to Jooheon? Is everyone okay??" I shouted at her, frowning.

She took a few steps back and cleared her throat before talking again. "I understand that this experience must have been very traumatic for you, and you will have the opportunity to visit a therapist if --"

"I don't want to talk to some stranger about all of my friends getting shot at," I told her straight-forwardly and bluntly.

"Duh... of course she won't want to see the therapist," Minjoo rolled her eyes, sighing loudly. From that moment on I decided that I really liked that kid.

The woman became flustered, and I tried my best to hold back my laughter. "You watch your attitude young lady!" The nurse huffed, and scanned the room once more before leaving.

I looked over at the little girl with a smirk plastered on her face. She couldn't be older than ten. She locked eyes with me and I snapped my head in the opposite direction. I didn't want her to think I was staring at her, or invading her privacy. But, she started a conversation anyway.



"I'm sorry, but I overheard the doctors talking about... what happened, and they, um, they mentioned my brother's name... And I was just wondering if you could tell me if it was him,"

I gulped and sat up a little, leaning my arm on the side of the bed. I swear if one of those idiots is her brother, they'd better be okay. "Sure... What's his name?"

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