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I took a few deep breaths and shook my hands nervously as I anticipated my dad's reaction to me returning home. He knows I've been in jail for drugs, he knows I escaped, he knows I've been shot, and he knows I was involved in the gunfire at Jisung's house. He's not stupid, and he watches the news almost religiously. Says me, the drug dealer's son.

I knocked on the shabby wooden front door three times, and the door was flung open immediately. I saw my dad's eyes wavering, his grip tightening on the door. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me inside, slamming the door firmly.

"What the hell, Hyungwon? Where the fuck have you been?!" He hissed at me, running a hand through his balding head.

"Ahh... it's a little difficult to explain," I rubbed my neck. He whacked me hard around the head, cursing and yelling at me. I dropped to the floor and held my head, trying to process the words he was throwing at me as my vision blurred.

"Are you even listening to me?! Or have you gone completely insane!?" He screeched.

"I'm sorry," I huffed, using the side of the table to stand up.

"Stay down," He kicked my shins, and I sunk back down to my knees.

"Look, I said I'm sorry! There's literally nothing else I can do, since I can't turn back time until it's happy hour" I apologised again with a lop-sided smile.

My dad got to my level and wrapped his arms around me. I ignored the pain in my shoulder, so I could hug him back.

"I've missed you so much," He murmured. "Don't steal from my drug stock again, especially not if you're going to get arrested for it," He gave me a much lighter smack on my cheek, and hoisted my up. I couldn't help it, and hissed through the pain as he helped me stand.

"What is it?" He asked, grabbing my shoulders urgently. I yelped in pain. I couldn't really blame him since he didn't know.

"Bad idea appa, bad idea," I gasped, pushing his hands away. He pulled down the sleeve of my shirt and gulped when he saw my roughly patched wound.

"When did you last change these?!" He gasped, pointing at the soaked bandages.

I tried to rethink when I did change them, but I only remembered Jisung stitching the wound and wrapping it up. "I don't think I have changed them," I admitted. My dad tutted at me and brought in the first aid kit. I laid down on the sofa, and winced as he removed the bandages.

"Ewww, this is super gross Hyungwon, why do you do things like this to your appa?" He asked me in a whiny tone.

"Man up!" I laughed, but was immediately silenced when he poured antiseptic over the wound. "Not cool," I muttered.

"Man up, Hyungwon," He mocked me. I stuck my tongue out at him in defiance. "But seriously, Hyungwon, stay out of trouble for me,"

I bit my lip and paused. I knew I wasn't fully out of this mess yet. "...Sure," I lied to him. "If I can have a rizla and some weed,"

My dad stopped and looked at me in shock. "Chae Hyungwon! Are you taking the piss?! Just because I'm a drug dealer, doesn't mean I smoke weed every day! And neither should you!"

"Aishh, come on appa! I haven't had one in ages! I promise I'll cut down after this one," I grinned, knowing he would cave in eventually. He always did.

"You kid... How about tobacco instead?" He compromised.

"Fine," I shrugged. Anything would be great considering the time I've spent away from drugs, legal or not. It was kind of him to even give me something, and I felt a little guilty as I accepted the hand-rolled cigarette from him. "Thanks," I mumbled, lighting it before taking a puff. I leaned back on the sofa and closed my eyes. As I took a second puff, I couldn't breathe, and I doubled over, coughing. My dad snatched the cigarette out of my mouth. "No, appa! I'm fine, give it back!" I wheezed.

"For god's sake, tell me what happened to you. Please," He pleaded.

I gave up. I told him everything. I told him about prison, how Wonho helped us escape, which led to being shot, how Jisung helped us, how we got taken by the clan, how Insoo shot Jooheon's sister, Tem, and how he heartlessly beat his own son half to death. My dad paced around, taking in the information, and stopped walking before finally saying something.

"You're saying Insoo did all this? The boss?" He asked me.

"No doubt about it," I confirmed grimly, recalling how empty Jooheon looked, and how bruised Changkyun was. He came up to me and pulled me into another embrace. I was sure getting a lot of love today.

"Then I can't work for him anymore... I'll have to break the deal with Insoo,"

"But, appa... that's your business. It all relies on Insoo's connections," I said, frowning.

"I care about you more than connections. It'll be easy enough to pick up again anyway, it's drugs. Everyone wants 'em," He shrugged. I laughed at his boldness.

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