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It feels like emptiness in your heart; sheer nothingness that somehow takes over and holds your soul and threatens to kill you entirely. It gives you this heavy feeling that's like the weight of the world is resting on your shoulders and there is nothing you can do to get out from under it. It's like this hole in your heart that is the shape of the one you lost and that makes you feel the need to wipe away any non-existent tears that you want to form but can't. I gulped down the pain and opened the door.

"Good, you're here," I said, inviting Minhyuk in, not fully meeting his eyes. I closed the door behind us quickly, scanning the streets in case he had been followed. I went and sat down on the sofa next to Jisung. Shownu was sat opposite us and Minhyuk joined the circle, pulling up another chair to sit on. Shownu rolled his eyes at the sight of Minhyuk.

"You could've told me that you were visiting Jooheon instead of being all mysterious and shit," Shownu scoffed, crossing his arms.

"Well I didn't know you would turn up here too," Minhyuk sighed.

"How about some tea?" Jisung suggested, getting up to go to the kitchen. I watched her until she was fully out of sight, before turning to the two in front of me.

"How can you live with yourselves?" I asked lowly.

"Pretty easily," Shownu remarked, whereas Minhyuk just frowned. "If that was all you wanted to ask, can I leave?" Shownu continued.

"Not really, no. Do you think you can keep on doing things for Insoo forever? Because you can't. Soon, he won't have any use for you, and he'll throw you out like garbage. You do know that, right?" I leaned in to them.

"Yeah, but what're we gonna do about it?" Minhyuk huffed.

Shownu leaned back in his chair and started to laugh. "You are joking, Jooheon... Do you actually want to get revenge?!" He chuckled in disbelief.

I sat up straight and frowned. "I do, but I need you both in on it to succeed," I told them seriously. I couldn't stand having to ask, let alone beg, Shownu and Minhyuk for help, but we need people on the inside for this to work. Neither of them answered me straight away.

Anger boiled up inside of me. I needed this to work. For Tem. I slammed my fist down on the coffee table, "Aren't you sick of being pawns in his fucked up game of chess?!" I yelled. More silence followed, and I heard the kettle go off in the kitchen. I sighed.

"I'm up for it," Minhyuk murmured, glancing over to gauge Shownu's reaction. Shownu ran his hands through his hair, as all eyes were on him.

Before he answered, Jisung came in, carrying a tray with four cups of tea, milk, sugar, and a few biscuits on it. She set it down proudly on the coffee table with a smile.

"Thanks Jisung," I smiled, taking a cup and a biscuit.

Minhyuk took a sip of his tea, and slammed the cup down immediately, fanning his mouth. "It's... too... hot," He breathed. We laughed at him.

"Did I forget to mention it was still hot? Or did you just assume that the tea came out of the freezer?! Aishh, really Minhyuk?" Jisung shook her head, as we all laughed at him. She sat down next to me and must have noticed the stressed faces around her.

"So what's up guys? You all seem down," She frowned.

"Could you give us a few moments to talk alone please," I asked her. She gave me an annoyed look, but got up anyway.

"I swear, if you guys are keeping secrets from me, I won't be happy," She huffed, grabbing her own cup of tea before going outside, shutting the front door firmly behind her. I considered bringing her back in here, but I couldn't get her involved in any of this. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if she got herself killed in all of this stupid gang business.

Shownu took a deep breath, and I looked back up at him. "In response to your earlier question, I would like it very much to serve that bastard some of his own medicine, but I just can't at the moment. I need the money... I'm honestly sorrier than I thought I would be," Shownu gulped down his tea, unfazed by the heat.

I glared at his back as he left. Minhyuk shuffled uncomfortably, and I looked at him. "Thanks for the support, but I need you both. I would appreciate it if you didn't tell Insoo about this conversation or visit. Sorry for wasting your time," I coughed and stood up, Minhyuk doing the same.

"Jooheon," He said. I paused and faced him. "You'll get your chance for revenge one day, and I'll be with you when that day comes, I promise," He grinned sheepishly at me.

"If you say so," I chuckled, ruffling his hair. "Scram," I pushed him towards the door, forgetting that he shouldn't be forgiven so easily. As Minhyuk went out, I saw Jisung on the doorstep.

"Oh, are you guys done already? Or do you want me to go even further away?" She asked sarcastically.

"Yes, we're done, sorry for making you sit outside for three minutes," Minhyuk stuck his tongue out at her, and she pulled a face back.

"Come on Jisung," I sighed smiling, helping her up to her feet.

"Aish, he's so immature," She grumbled.

"Don't I know it," I laughed.

Our Escape (Monsta X fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ