Need to Leave

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A/N: Please read the other A/N at the end... It's kind of important :)

I heard the front door slam open and slam shut from my bedroom, and I knew he was home. I sat cross-legged on my bed, facing my own door, which was locked shut. I heard him thundering up the stairs, swearing under his breath. I bit my lip in anticipation. I could hear his rugged breaths right outside the door, and I could see the edge of his shadow on the other side. I took a deep breath myself, but still flinched at my door shaking, as it was pounded on.

"Changkyun, unlock the door," He instructed. I gulped and opened my mouth to reply, but I couldn't bring myself to say anything back.

I just wanted to be left alone. I had a lot to think about after Shownu's call earlier today. He wanted to warn me. I can fully understand why they want revenge on my father, heck, I would burn him to the ground too, but I don't know why I feel so conflicted about it. I stared down at the blank screen on my phone. I wanted to make the right decision.

"YAH!" His yell echoed through the house.           

I shut my eyes tight and ignored him again.

"Don't make the wrong decision here... I have leverage over you and your friends," He murmured.

I glanced towards the door anxiously, but continued to remain silent, praying him to let whatever he wanted go. I snapped my head towards the door once again, and my eyes widened as I heard the key being pushed into the lock, and twisted open. I held my breath as the door handle turned and the door was opened.

I almost sighed in relief when I thought he wasn't going to hit me; thought. He must've been tired, as his left hook wasn't as strong as it usually was. As he stepped back, I massaged my jaw, making sure it wasn't out of place.

"Do you have any idea what the fuck happened last night?" He scoffed, pacing around. I shook my head.

"Don't lie," He took a handful of my hair, and kept a strong grip on me.

"I'm not," I grunted, slapping his hand away.

"A gun raid... all the highest valued guns gone overnight. Now, I know it was your friends, so don't try to tell me otherwise," He laughed a little again, almost scarily, "And, I'm not a fucking idiot - I know the beginning of a rebellion when I see one. This is your last chance, Changkyun. If there's a full scale rebellion that puts me in danger in any way... I'll kill Jisung, and then you," He spat at me, and left the house.

My eyes blurred as I came to terms with his threats; my own father's threats. He knew what was coming, and I knew Jooheon was going to get revenge no matter what, which meant I was going to die. I have no right to stop him; it would be selfish to do so anyway. I stood up, grabbed my jacket and headed out to the café where I knew Jisung would be working. The least I could do was tell her to stay out of town until this shit was all over.

I could see her from outside, through the café window, and I took a few deep breaths. She always made me nervous. When she saw me she froze and looked a little frightened. That broke my heart. I never wanted her to react this way when she saw me. What happened to her bright smile, happy wave, sarcastic comment, loud laugh? I missed it all, and she had changed because of me.

I stepped inside and rested my elbows on the counter opposite her.

"What do you want?" She asked coldly. Her expression changed when her eyes met mine. "Your face!" She gasped.

I frowned and felt for the bruises on my face. "Does it look bad?" I chuckled.

"Yes, stupid!" She huffed. She ran her fingers lightly over my cheek, and I had to turn away. "What happened?" She asked, obviously worried.

I was searching for an answer, when she asked another question. "Was it Insoo?"

I stayed silent, but met her gaze again and she sighed knowingly. I brushed it off and coughed. "You need to leave, Jisung," I whispered.

She folded her arms before responding, "And why is that?" She laughed.

"I know there's going to be a rebellion," I told her. Her eyes widened and she looked at me questioningly. "Shownu rang earlier on and filled me in on everything. He asked me if I wanted to join..." I trailed off.

"Will you?" She asked hopefully.

I huffed in frustration. "Whatever I choose will have the same outcome, so to put it simply, I don't know. I have a really bad feeling, so you need to keep out of town for a few days - please,"

"A bad feeling, huh? It won't go wrong, you can trust Jooheon to get the job done," She tried to reassure me.

"Jisung, you can trust me when I say leave! Aish, you don't understand," I muttered. "Did you know that Jooheon beat me up once?! I probably didn't tell you because I was too embarrassed," I admitted.

She frowned and shook her head. "No, I didn't know," She paused before chuckling. "Well a lot of people did beat you up," She commented light-heartedly with a small smile.

I smiled too, remembering staggering over to her apartment, sometimes early in the morning, covered in cuts and bruises, and she would always scold me for being careless before bandaging me up. She was still smiling and I thought why the hell not? I leaned forward and kissed her. She stepped back, probably in shock. I grinned and walked out of the café. As I opened the door, I reminded her, "Just think about leaving for the rest of the week okay!"

I put on a bright smile as I waved goodbye, but as soon as I turned away from her, the tears started rolling down my cheeks. My breaths became uneven as I struggled for air over the tears.

I don't want to die.

There will be two versions of the next chapter.
If you think Jisung should listen to Changkyun, and leave, read chapter 'A: Leave'
If you think Jisung should stay and help with the rebellion, read chapter 'B: Stay'
I will be publishing both chapters at the same time, so don't worry about that!
Thank you for reading and for being so patient with me <3

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