Chapter 30 : Dalton

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Chapter 30

Friday afternoon...

Riker POV

"If you don't calm down, I'm going to have to give you sleeping pills or something," I said to Jeff.

He was bouncing up and down in the seat next to me. We were on the plane to Ohio, but we hadn't taken off yet.

"I can't help it! I'm so excited, but I'm also so scared."

"Why are you scared?"

"I hate flying..."

"Oh... I do too, but we'll be fine."

The pilot said we'd be taking off, so we put on our seatbelts. Jeff was still all jittery.

"We'll be fine. Relax," I said, putting my arm around him, and pulling him closer.

We started to take off, and Jeff got really scared. But I kept him pretty calm.

After we were in the air, I fell asleep.


Riker POV

"I have to pee so bad!"

"Calm down. We just have to wait for them to open the doors, then we can get off the plane," I said to Jeff.


"Why didn't you go sooner if you had to go that bad?"

"Because I hate airplane bathrooms!"

"Well... So do I, but I still used it."

They opened the doors, and we had to wait on a somewhat longish line because we had seats near the back of the plane.

"Remember, we also need to pick up our suitcases from the baggage claim," I said.

"Can we go to the bathrooms first!?"


We finally got off the plane, and into the airport. Jeff had a tight grip on my arm, and dragged me over to the bathrooms.

We got our suitcases from the baggage claim, and we called a taxi to bring us to Jeff's old school.

Jeff was bouncing up and down in the seat next to me. He seriously looks like he's about to explode from excitement.

"Hey. Calm down," I said, putting my hand on his leg.

"We're almost there!" Jeff said, clearly holding in so much excitement.

I sighed, but I was smiling. I sort of feel 2 ways. I'm a little jealous that he wants to see all these boys so badly. But I'm also sort of happy for him. I don't think he's been this excited to do anything since he's come to our house.

We finally arrived. We grabbed our suitcases, and Jeff led me inside. It was dark out, and I honestly just really wanted to go to bed.

"So these are the dorm rooms. I used to room with Nick. That was my old room!" Jeff shouted, starting to run.

"Jeff, wait up!" I called, running after him.

He started banging on the door.


Before I even got to the room, Jeff was pulled inside. I finally got there, and saw him in the arms of some brunette. 

"Riker, this is Nick!" Jeff said, finally pulling away.

"Hi," I said, feeling slightly awkward.

"Wow. You guys seriously look identical," Nick said, looking back and forth at us.

"Where are the others?" Jeff asked.

"They all went to bed. It's really late here, remember. But you can see them in the morning, ok? We can all have breakfast together."

"This is so exciting! Where do we sleep?"

"Well... I still don't have a roommate, so someone can take your old bed. I suppose someone can sleep on the floor."

"It's ok. Riker and I can both share that bed."

We took turns changing in the bathroom. I got into bed, but Jeff was over, sitting on Nick's bed, talking about teachers and school. I've honestly never seen him so excited and happy.

"Jeff, I'm really tired. Can we please go to sleep?" I asked.

"Fine. Night, Nicky," Jeff said, giving him a hug.

He shut off the lights, and then climbed over me so he was on the side closest to the wall because he wanted to be protected.

"Night, Jeff," I whispered.

"Night, Riker."

He curled up against my side. We both fell asleep quickly.

The next day...

Riker POV

When I woke up, I was alone in the room. And I felt extremely frustrated. Jeff went off somewhere with Nick, I'm guessing. 

I'll admit, I'm jealous. He just seems so much happier here than he does at home. And it bothers me because I feel like I'm not good enough. I mean, we're brothers. I thought we were closer than this. But apparently not, because he left me here all alone! I mean, seriously, at least wake me up and tell me where you're going!

The door suddenly flew open, startling me. It was Jeff, Nick, and a whole bunch of other boys.

"Riker! You're up!" Jeff said, running over to me.

I just sort of sat there, confused and annoyed.

"This is my brother, Riker!" Jeff said to everyone.

Everyone sort of waved at me.

"Riker, we're going to go get breakfast if you want to come," Jeff said.

"No... I'm not very hungry..."

"Ok. Let's go!"

Everyone piled back out of the room, leaving me alone again.

It's fine. Really. He can just go off with all his friends and leave me here alone in an unknown spot. It's not like I looked after him every single day of his life when he came to live with us...

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