Chapter 2 : Meeting Jeff

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Chapter 2


Jeff POV   

I was literally terrified. I couldn't get my hands to stop shaking no matter what I did.

One of the police officers had helped me pack up my stuff. And then he brought me to the airport, and got me on a flight across the country. 

I hate planes so much, and I hate being around so many people. But most of all, I absolutely hate being alone.

I was curled up in my seat, willing myself not to cry. 

What if my new family hates me? Or what if they hurt me!?

I started thinking about everything that happened to me at my house. But I immediately just tried to think about nothing. If I think about home, I might have a panic attack. Things weren't the best there, to say the least. 

I just need to stay calm...


Riker POV

I was so jittery. I couldn't concentrate in any of my classes all day. I just wanted to meet my twin!

We were finally on our way to the airport, and I was practically bouncing up and down in my seat. I'm so excited!

We finally got there, and sat down in some chairs to wait. I literally hate waiting so much. I kept watching the clock. Every minute that went by, I got even more and more jittery. It almost sort of felt like I was going to explode or something. 

"Riker, calm down," Rydel said, laughing slightly at my behavior.

"I can't help it! I'm so excited!"

They finally announced that his flight had landed. I jumped up from my seat, too excited to sit anymore.

People started coming out, and my heart started going crazy in my chest. 

Finally we saw him walk out. Everyone started waving to get his attention. He was wearing slightly loose looking skinny jeans, converse, and a baggy sweatshirt. And he was carrying a suitcase and a backpack. To be completely honest, he almost looked... scared...?

When he finally got over to us, I noticed he was... sort of acting weird. He sort of kept his distance from us. His shoulders were kind of slumped. But he looked completely alert, and wide eyed.

"Jeffrey, it's great to finally have you with us!" Mom said.

He nodded a little.

"Do you have any more luggage?" Dad asked.

He shook his head no.

"Really?" Dad asked.

"I d-didn't have m-much," he stuttered, quietly.

"Alright, well let's get going then. We have dinner reservations to go to," mom said.

It was true. Mom had gotten us dinner reservations at this somewhat fancy restaurant. But we had to stop at home first so we could change into nicer clothes. Everyone was still wearing what they wore to school. We never had time to change because we had to go straight from school to home, to the airport.

We all walked back out to the car. I walked near Jeff. But he kept a few feet of space between us. We all got in the van. I sat next to Jeff, and he seemed to shrink down a little, which I was sort of confused about. It's like he's scared or something. I can understand nerves, but he seemed more than nervous.

Finally we got back home.

"Ok, everyone go change quickly. We need to be back out the door in about 10 or 15 minutes," dad said.

"Riker, show Jeffrey to his room please," mom said.

"Yes, mom..."

We all got out. I took Jeff's suitcase for him.

"Alright. Um... You can follow me," I said, looking at my twin.

He followed a few feet behind me as I led him up to our bedroom.

"So this is our room. That's your bed," I said, pointing to Rocky's old bed.

Jeff just nodded a little. I set his suitcase on his bed.

"So we need to change because we're going to this sort of fancy restaurant. Do you have something nice to wear?"

He shook his head no.

"No? Really?"

He shook his head no again.

"Alright. Well you look about my size. Maybe a little bit smaller. But you can borrow something, ok?"

He nodded.

I dug through my closet, and got him one of my smaller button up shirts. He was digging through his backpack. I walked over, and nudged his arm a little, making him flinch violently. 

"Hey. Sorry. I wasn't trying to scare you."

He was staring back at me with wide, scared eyes.

"Hey, are you ok?"

He didn't move. But I could see his chest rising and falling pretty quickly.

"Jeff? What's wrong?"


"Ok... Um... Here. You can borrow this shirt."


He reached out to take the shirt from me, and I could see his hand was shaking pretty badly. He just sort of turned away from me, and pulled his hoodie and T-shirt off. I almost had to stop myself from gasping. There were a ton of marks and bruises on his back. I realized I was staring, and quickly went to my closet, looking for a shirt that I could wear. I pulled out a button up shirt, just like the one I'd given to Jeff. And I swapped my shirts.

"Alright, ready to go?" I asked.

"Yes," Jeff said, almost whispering.

He followed me downstairs, and we all got in the van. And then we were off to dinner. 

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