Chapter 25 : Double date

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Chapter 25

A few days later...

Riker POV

Jeff was still acting strange. And he was still limping. Every day, he'd ditch me after calculus, and say he had to use the bathroom. And then he wouldn't show up again. I tried asking him where he was, but he said he was in the bathroom because of a stomach bug. He said he caught it from me when I had mine, but I think he's lying. First of all, I don't think I had a stomach bug because those things usually only last a day or two. And second of all, if he did have a stomach bug, why does it only affect him at school?

Seems suspicious...

But today I would get to keep my eye on him because after school, we were having a double date at the apple picking place and then we were going to a restaurant. I was going with Mikayla. And Jeff was going with Sophia.

"Ready to go? We should leave a few minutes early," I said, looking over at Jeff.

He looked up at me, almost like he was nervous.

"Sure," he said, quietly.

He followed me out to my car, and got in beside me. I started driving.

"Jeff, look. I know something's up. Please can you just tell me so I can stop worrying?"

"Nothing's going on, Riker."




"Really, Riker."

I sighed. I can't get answers out of him anymore. And it was really frustrating.

We got to the apple picking place. We started out all hanging around, but then we sort of separated. I went off with Mikayla. And Jeff went off with Sophia.


Riker POV

We met up when we were done picking our apples. 

"Jeff, what happened to your eye!?" I asked.

He was beginning to get a black eye. 

"Um... I-I was... Um... One of t-the apples f-fell."

"An apple fell? On your eye?"

He nodded.

"Are you alright?"

He nodded again.

"Alright. Well... Are you guys ready to head to dinner?" I asked.

Everyone nodded. Jeff and I got in my car. I noticed Jeff's hands were shaking a little bit.

"Jeff, what's wrong? Does your eye hurt?"

"N-no! I-I'm fine!"

"Jeff, if something's wrong, you know you can tell me, right?"


Silence filled the car again. I sighed.

We arrived at the restaurant a few minutes later. I sat next to Jeff, and across from Mikayla. Jeff sat across from Sophia.

Everything seemed to be going fine. Well, until Jeff jumped out of his seat, yelling ow.

He landed on the floor pretty hard. He banged his head on the table next to us. I got up, and helped him up. I took him to the bathroom because I could tell he was going to start crying.

I locked us in one of the stalls.

"Jeff, please tell me what happened. I'm not letting you go back out there until you tell me."

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