Chapter 14 : Lost trust

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Chapter 14

Riker POV

"Riker, mom is going to kill you when she finds out you pushed him!" Rydel yelled.

She went in my room, and looked out the window.

"What are you doing?" I asked, annoyed.

"Jeff's running!" Rydel said, panicking.


"He's running down the street, Riker! You probably scared him!"


I ran downstairs, and out the front door. I ran the way he went, but I didn't see him anymore. I ran and ran and ran until I just couldn't anymore. I had to stop to catch my breath.

"Jeff!?" I called.

Of course he wouldn't respond. He's probably scared.

Yeah, because of you. What a great brother you are...

I sighed, and looked around. I need to go back home, and tell mom and dad. I don't know where Jeff went, and I need real help.

I jogged back home, hoping maybe he'd be there when I got back.

I went inside, slightly out of breath.

"Did you find him!?" Rydel asked.

"No... I need to tell mom and dad."

"You need to be more responsible, Riker! Jeff is our brother, and knowing what he's been through, you need to be more careful!" Rydel said, whacking my arm.

"Ow! Ok, ok! Yeah, duh! It was a mistake! He was doing so well, and I just forgot!"

"Well go tell mom. She's in the kitchen. Dad's not home yet though."

I sighed, and walked into the kitchen.

"M-mom... Um... I have sort of an emergency," I said, nervously.

"What is it, Riker?"

"Um... I sort of... got mad at Jeff. And I pushed him, and he got scared and ran away. And I know it was wrong, and I'm sorry! Please do something!"

"Oh, Riker..."

"I know... He ran down the street, and I tried running after him, but I couldn't find him."

"Riker, if anything happens to him, you're going to be in such big trouble."

"I know! Stop making me feel guilty! I already feel terrible! I broke his trust!"

Mom called dad. I couldn't stop pacing the kitchen. I have a bad feeling about all of this...


Riker POV

We were driving around, looking for Jeff. We decided we'd call the police if he wasn't back by tomorrow night. So we were on our own for right now.

We'd driven around for about 2 hours. And then we went back home to have dinner.

"S-so um... I have something to say," I said, quietly.

Everyone looked at me. I took a deep breath, and spoke.

"I failed my calculus test."

"Riker," dad said, giving me a disapproving look.

"I know, I know, I know! But I tried! I studied with Jeff! I just stink at math!"

"Where's the test?" Dad asked.

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