Chapter 29 : "Did your butt just ding?"

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Chapter 29

A few days later... 

Riker POV

Jeff was like a completely different person. I may have said some words I'm not proud of to Sophia yesterday, but I don't think that's why he was different. He was practically bouncing off the walls with excitement for visiting his old school. It was making me feel sort of bad because for the whole time I'd known him, I'd been like the center of his world. And now I felt sort of... jealous...

We had about a week until we fly out, and I don't know if I can handle all of Jeff's craziness until then. Today was Saturday. We fly out on Friday... Ugh...

"Riker, aren't you so excited!?" Jeff asked, coming in the room.

"Jeff... You've already asked me this like 30 times. And I've already answered this... 30 times..."

"I'm just so excited!"

I sighed.

"Riker, we're going to Ohio!" Jeff shouted, jumping up and down on my bed.

"I know, Jeff," I said, sort of annoyed.

He flopped down next to me, and he was staring up at me.

"What?" I asked, not taking my eyes off my phone.


"Jeff, I get it! We're going to Ohio! This isn't as exciting for me as it is for you. So if you could just tone it down a little-"

"Why aren't you happy for me, Riker!? You should be happy for me that I'm happy! Not mad at me!"

"I'm not mad-"

"Yes, you are! You're just thinking of yourself and thinking how it's going to be annoying for you!"


"No! Stop interrupting me! You should be happy for me!"

"Ok, stop. First of all, I am happy for you. I'm just not going insane, like someone! And second of all, if I was only thinking about myself, and not you, would I be willing to fly for hours on a plane to a state I've never been to just for my brother!? No! So just stop saying things that aren't true!"

Silence filled the room. Jeff wouldn't look at me.

"Jeff, I'm sorry. Please just tone down the excitement. We're not even going for another week."

"You yelled at me..."

"Jeff, come on. Don't cry."

I wrapped my arms around him, and pulled him to me, but he tried to fight back. I was stronger though, and I wouldn't let him break free from my hug.

"Let me go!" Jeff whined.

"Nope. Not until you say you love me."

He sighed.

"Fine. I love you."

He wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tight. Then we pulled apart.

"Who's your favorite brother?" I asked.

"Not you."


"I'm kidding."

"You better be."


Riker POV

Jeff wouldn't get off his phone. He kept texting. The smile never left his face. I was trying to sleep, but every time he got a text, his phone would ding. I turned over to look at him in the dark. He was next to me in bed, curled up into my side. I was watching him.



"Don't you think... maybe... you should go to bed?"

"No. Why?"

"Because it's almost midnight. Come on. You're going to be tired tomorrow."

"So? Tomorrow's Sunday. I don't have to go to school."

"Jeff... Come on," I whined.

"No. I'm talking to Nick!"

"Isn't it even later in Ohio?"


"Jeff, you need to go to bed."

I grabbed his phone from him, and slid it under my back so he couldn't get it. It dinged.

"Riker! I have to see what he said! He dinged me! Come on! Give it back!"

"I'm only giving it back if you tell him you need to go to sleep."


"Shhh! Don't wake up the whole house!"

Jeff shoved me hard, and I fell off the bed. I couldn't see anything but the glow of the screen, which I lunged for. I tackled Jeff on the bed, and tried to pry the phone from his hands.

"Riker, stop it!"

"You stop it!"

We were whisper shouting at each other, struggling to get the phone.

"Riker, ow!"


"You're crushing me! Get off!"

"No! Not until I get the phone!"

"Ow, ow, ow!"

I shifted my position, trying not to hurt him. That wasn't my goal. My goal was to get the phone.

"Jeff, just give it to me!"


He slid the phone underneath himself. I sighed. But I still had another idea.

I started tickling him. He started squirming around under me, trying to shove me off. I got the phone, and sat on it.

"Riker, where's my phone?"

"I'll never tell."

Jeff turned on the light. His phone got another text.



"Did your butt just ding?"

"Uh... No?"

Jeff shoved me off, and got his phone again.

"Ew! It's warm! Riker!"

I grabbed his phone, but he hung onto it tight.

"Jeff, come on. I seriously can't sleep with all the dinging noises. Come on. It's late. Tell Nick goodnight."

I slid the phone out of his hands. He honestly looked really tired.

"Fine, give it to me."

"You promise-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah..."

I gave him his phone back, and when he was done, he handed it to me.

I shut off the light, and we both got back into bed. Jeff was curled up into my side again.

"You know, you have your own bed," I said, pulling the covers up.

"I feel safer here."


"Night, Riker."


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