Chapter 11 : Economics and homework

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Chapter 11


Riker POV

About 20 minutes into the period, I had to go to the bathroom. And normally, I'd go before this period, but since I had to walk Jeff, I didn't have time.

We were doing independent work, so I got up and asked my teacher if I could go, and they said yes.

I walked down the hall to the bathroom, and I completely froze when I got there. I heard crying.

Jeff's crying.

I ran inside, and knocked on the stall door. He screamed.

"Jeff, it's Riker. Can you unlock the door?"

All I got in response was crying.

"Jeff please. Open the door for me."

He unlocked the door. I went in, and relocked it.

"Hey. What's wrong?" I asked, sitting down on the floor next to him.

I slid my arm around him, and he completely clung onto me. He was crying into my chest.

"Jeff, how long have you been here?"

He held up 5 fingers.

"5 minutes?"

He nodded.

"Ok. Well just try to calm down, ok? We're like half way or more than half way through the period. You can do this."

He calmed down a little, and stopped crying.

"Alright. Go wipe your eyes and make sure you look ok. I have to pee."

Jeff left the stall, and I relocked it, and went to the bathroom. I came out, and Jeff looked pretty much back to normal. His eyes were a little red, but if you didn't know he was crying, I don't think you'd notice it.

I washed my hands, and then pulled Jeff into a hug.

"You're going to be ok. The period ends at 1:20. We have 20 more minutes left, ok? That's it. Then you'll be back with me again, ok? I'll meet you at the door."


"Alright, let's go."

I walked Jeff back to his class, and then I went back to my own class.

I hope he'll be ok...


Riker POV

I met Jeff at his class, and took his wrist. He jumped, just like earlier. But then he clung to my arm really tight.

"Jeff, ready to go?"

"Yes, Riker..."

We left the school. Jeff was still clinging to me. But I didn't really mind. If clinging to me makes him feel better, then fine...

We got home, and Jeff wanted to go upstairs, so we went upstairs...

He laid down on my bed. I sat down next to him.

"So... first day of school... Not too bad, right?" I asked.

"It was awful. I hated it."

"But you're fine! You didn't get hurt."

"But I got scared."

"Well... You're probably going to be scared for a little while after everything you went through. But I'm here for you. You can trust me."

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