Cheat Day (Jack x Reader)

Start from the beginning

"Three more, love." Jack said, standing by the weight machine. "Y/n. Y/n!"

Jack was sounding further and further away and then all you remember was waking up in Jack's lap. "THAT'S COLD!" You squealed.

Jack had dumped your water bottle over your face trying to wake you up. "Hey, hey. Stay down." Jack said when you tried to immediately stand up, his arms stopping you from leaving. "What is going on with you?" he asked.

You looked up at Jack's concerned face and couldn't bring yourself to confess. "I just didn't feel that great today. What happened?"

He stared at you for a second before answering. "You passed out, love. I think you should stay away from the gym for a few days. Make sure you get better." Jack pushed your wet hair out of your face.

"I'll be fine, Jack." you said, breaking eye contact.

"You're paying for my advice, y/n. You need a break." Jack said, helping you stand up.

"I said I'm fine." you interjected, cutting him short. You grabbed your water bottle and quickly walked to the locker room. After changing and grabbing your bag, you went straight to your car. You still felt super lightheaded, so you decided to just sit in your car for a bit.

After what you thought was only a few minutes, you were woken up by a tapping on your window. "Y/n." Jack said, trying to wake you up.

"Jack, what do you want?" you asked, rolling down the window, seeing his face fall a bit more. You also realized it was now night time.

"Drop the 'I'm fine' facade, y/n." Jack said quietly. "I'm just worried about you." He leaned his arms on your door.

"I'm a grown ass woman. I AM fine." You said, not making eye contact.

"My boss already told me you've been in here running every day, sometimes twice a day. You're making yourself sick, love." Jack said, reaching in your car to turn your face towards him. "What's going on?"

You hated that you had been found out. Looking into Jack's baby blues always made you get butterflies in your stomach, but right now you were just embarrassed. "I don't want to talk about it." you replied, ducking your head again.

"Nope. Not an acceptable answer." Jack pulled the lock up and opened your door. "I'm starving and my favorite pub is across the way. We're going to go talk over good food and shitty beer." He held his hand out for yours.

"Right. Like I'd drink my carbs with my personal trainer." You said, standing up without grabbing his hand.

"Damn straight you're going to drink your carbs. You're going to eat them, too." Jack said, closing your door once you stood up. "You obviously haven't been listening to any of my advice."

"I've been being as good as possible." you replied, following Jack out of the parking lot.

"Exactly. I told you take breaks and to have cheat days. You can't run on empty forever." Jack said.

When you got to the pub, Jack ordered two beers and two burgers. "I can't eat that." you said, fidgeting with your shirt.

"You can and you will, love." Jack replied, pushing your beer towards you. "Now tell me why on earth you've been running yourself into the ground?"

"I haven't been." you answered, holding the beer but not drinking it.

"That's bullshit and you know it." Jack replied. "You're acting like it's normal or healthy to drop weight like you have. Especially when you originally told me you were just interested in feeling better. I do this for a living, y/n. I know when someone is letting their thoughts screw with their health. Now take a drink of your beer and talk."

Feeling a few tears fall down your cheeks, you took a big drink of your beer. "There's, um. There's a group of us at work. And uh, we were encouraging each other and doing weigh ins and I just wasn't doing as well as them." you said, not making eye contact.

"Well first, it's dumb to weigh yourself when you're building muscle. It weighs more than fat and you're going to discourage yourself." Jack said, moving to sit next to you instead of across from you. "And second, those groups are only good if they aren't a competition. You have no idea what they're doing to lose weight. They could be starving themselves or taking diet pills or just naturally have a fast metabolism."

"It doesn't matter." You said, drinking more of your beer. "I should be able to do this."

"Do what?" Jack asked. "There's nothing wrong with you. You started this to feel better and somewhere along the way you forgot that."

"I didn't forget that." You replied. "I just decided I'd rather look better."

This made jack laugh. "Y/n, there wasn't anything wrong with how you looked. You're a gorgeous woman." He said, finishing off his beer.

"Sure." you said, leaning back in the booth.

"Y/n, when you walked in, I specifically asked to be assigned to you. You can ask my boss." Jack said, fidgeting with his empty glass.

Turning to face him, you gave him a look. "Bullshit. I've seen the other woman that work out at that gym."

"Love, they've seen you too. Everyone is way harsher on themselves than they are others. And I did ask to be your trainer. I saw a beautiful, vibrant, happy woman walk in and I wanted to get to know her." Jack replied, smiling over at you.

The waiter walked up with your burgers, interrupting your conversation. You pulled the top of the bun off and grabbed a knife and fork to eat the rest of the burger.

"Y/n, just eat the fucking burger!" Jack laughed, stealing your silverware.

You couldn't help but laugh, too. "You're so obnoxious." you said, putting the bun back on your burger and taking a big bite. "God, this is delicious."

"I told you." Jack said, digging into his food. After ordering two more beers and eating in comfortable silence, Jack cleared his throat. "So I know it may be inappropriate to ask since I'm your trainer, so please tell me if I need to just shut up, but I would really love to take you out on an actual date."

He caught you totally off guard, but you could see that he was actually nervous. He was quite cute when he blushed. "That's not a question." you smiled over at him.

You saw his face light up, turning in the booth to face you. "Will you go on a date with me?" He asked.

"I think I could make some time." you laughed.

"You should have plenty of time since I don't want to see you back in the gym for a week. You need to let your body rest and heal, love." Jack said, putting his arm around your shoulders.

"Fine, fine." you leaned into Jack. He was finishing off his second beer when you added, "Does bedroom cardio count?"

Jack sputtered beer all over the table and the two of you. Grabbing a napkin and cleaning up, he laughed. "I think I could allow a little bit of that. You know, I'm here if you want some hands on assistance."

"I mean, I am paying for a personal trainer." you laughed, leaning back into his side.

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