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After your short hike back, you and Joe got the fire going again. "What should we make for dinner?" Joe asked.

"I vote we grill burgers and veggies. Super easy and we have loads of supplies." you replied. "Easy to clean up, too."

"Perfect. And of course, alcohol. We need to pick another game, though. I don't think there are many Never Have I Ever questions left that don't reveal things we don't actually want to know." he laughed.

"Seriously. Truth or Dare?" you suggested. "I'll stay sober, though. I don't want to have to bandage up a drunk while I'm drunk."

"Truth or Dare is perfect. Even better if they don't know you're sober. We should probably take our turns cleaning up at the lake before we start drinking, though." Joe pointed out.

"Good plan. I don't think anyone fancies drowning."

Dinner went over without a hitch and you were starting your lake shifts. "I suggest that Caspar, Conor, and Jack go while it's still light out. You guys haven't been to the lake, so I'd rather you not get lost." Joe suggested.

Handing Caspar the shower caddy, you told them the quickest way to the lake. "Be safe!" you called out after them.

They returned about 40 minutes later looking much cleaner. Thankfully it was still light and warm out, so you told Joe, Oli, and Mikey to take the next shift.

"Are you sure you don't want to go first?" Joe asked for the third time. "Why are we making the girl go last?"

"Joe, I'm fine. I'd rather go last. Just be safe and hurry back." you checked that nothing in the caddy needed refilled.

Finally, it was your turn. "Hey Josh, they're back. Don't forget your towel and clean clothes." you said, grabbing your stuff. "We still have a bit of light, but we'll probably be walking back in the dark so grab a flashlight."

You started walking to the lake, but noticed Josh was still at the tent. "You coming?" you asked.

"Uh, yeah. Just a second." He dipped back in the tent and then joined you.

"How was the look-out?" you asked, trying to talk about anything but the fact that you were about to be naked together.

"It was beautiful. The lake actually goes all the way around the hill we were on." he replied.

"We'll have to make another trip up there for pictures before we leave." you suggested.

"Definitely. I know Conor wants to go back up and spend some time writing." Josh remembered.

Arriving at the lake, you pointed out the small wooden dock it would be easiest to bathe by. "Hey, I vote we both go in at the same time and just face opposite directions. Thoughts?" you suggested.

"Works for me. I promise you can trust me." Josh said, seeming really sincere.

Standing facing away from each other, you undressed, grabbed your shower stuff, and walked into the lake. "It's so cold!" he squeaked.

"You get used to it pretty quickly. Like a swimming pool." you laughed.

It felt great to finally wash your hair. You had just rinsed your hair when you looked up and saw how full the moon looked. You couldn't really see it until it had gotten dark. "Josh, look at the moon."

"But...Y/n I have to look towards you to see it." Josh said.

"Josh, It's dark outside and I'm all the way in the water. It's fine, just look!" you replied, wanting him to see how beautiful the whole scene looked. The moonlight lit the mountain ridge and the lake and it was just gorgeous.

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