Cheat Day (Jack x Reader)

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request - I was wondering if maybe you'd be up to writing a fanfic where Jack's a personal trainer? I've been craving it for such a long time lol. No pressure though, just thought I'd ask :)


"Y/n!" The gym manager called out.

"Hi! That's me." you said, walking up to the desk.

"Hello. Welcome to our humble abode." The manager joked. You had picked this gym because everyone was so nice. There's nothing worse than trying your best and feeling judged for it. "It looks like we have you paired with Jack for your personal training sessions."

"Awesome. I'm excited to get started." you replied.

"Just wait here and I'll go grab him." he said, leaving you to stand at the counter.

Looking around, you tried to identify the sections of the gym. You could see a pool through a glass wall and an area with rooms for yoga and spin. A group of women at your work had all made a group pact to keep each other accountable to eating healthier and going to the gym and you were kind of excited.

The manager walked back up with a gorgeous blond. "Hi. I'm Jack." he said, reaching his hand out.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Y/n." you replied, shaking his hand.

"Well, I'm going to give the two of you some time to go over your goals and your game plan. It was nice to meet you. Feel free to ask for either of us if you ever have any questions." The manager interjected and then walked back to his office.

The two of you sat down and went over why you wanted to join the gym. What your goals were. How much time you wanted to dedicate. What your fears were. Basically, Jack needed to know how and how much to push you without discouraging you.

The first two weeks had gone great. You worked out with Jack twice a week and worked out on your own twice a week. It didn't hurt that Jack was hot. He was also really hands on, so you were definitely motivated to show up for your sessions. You could feel yourself getting stronger, but your clothes were fitting the same. Every week at work your work out group would take turns weighing themselves and sharing stories from their work-outs. A few of you hadn't lost more than a pound, but a few of the girls had lost 6 or 7 pounds. While you physically felt better than you did two weeks ago, you couldn't help but be discouraged that you hadn't lost much weight.

"Hey, Y/n!" The manager called, currently working the front desk at your gym. "Weren't you here this morning?"

"Yeah, just getting in some more cardio." you smiled, walking to the girl's locker room. This week you had been ignoring Jack's instructions to take a few rest days and instead had been spending time on the treadmill. You figured the more cardio you got in, the better.

The next personal training day, Jack had pushed you a little harder than the first three weeks. Running his hands under your arms, he corrected your form. "We'll slowly step up your sets and we'll add some cardio in the pool to switch it up." he said, walking you back in the direction of the locker room. He had asked if you were okay a few times during your session. Your muscles were sore from running so much, but you didn't want to tell him you'd been ignoring his schedule. Who knows, if you kept it up maybe you'd be the kind of girl Jack would date.

Over the next few weeks, you continued to push yourself too hard and had even started skipping lunches at the office. "I have too much work to do." you'd say when someone asked if you'd taken a break. During the last few weight ins, you'd been happy with your numbers but you didn't feel great anymore. You were always hungry and always tired.

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