Chapter 36

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Fly Away

"You can do it. Just go and tell her everything you have to." Jared shoved at Sophie from the back as she resisted.

"I don't think this is a good idea." Sophie gulped.

"Don't think. Just do! Gooo." He gave one last push that made her stumble forward, right in front of Alexis' door.

She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down. She had approximately 3 days till she left for New York, and all she wanted to do was let everyone know the truth. Do something for herself, and relieve this guilty pain in her chest. Finding Alexis' address was so easy thanks to Facebook, but going in was the hard part.

So she knocked the door once. No answer. So she knocked it again. Still no answer. She knocked the third time, and spun around on her heel ready to leave when the door swung open. An elderly Lady stood there. "Hello?"

Sophie spun back around and smiled. "Hi, does Alexis Sterling live here?"

"Yes, who might you be?"

Sophie thought for a bit. She definitely couldn't call Alexis a friend, but could she fake it and say she's a colleague? But then there will be questions about how's work, and stuff about real state that Sophie just didn't understand. "I'm her friend."

"Oh why don't you come in then? She's taking a shower right now, she'll be down in a few."

Sophie turned around and gave Jared a thumbs up before stepping into the house.

The house at first glance was beautiful. There was a huge tiled lobby that met a spiral staircase in the middle. Then to the left there was a sitting area and to the right there was a dining room. From the dining room the kitchen could be seen through glass doors.

Sophie followed the elderly woman to what must have been the formal living room. She was told to sit, and so she did. Here and there the woman would ask something that Sophie would politely answer. If it was something about friendship and how, then Sophie would laugh and say "it's a long story."

There was a fire brewing in the fireplace to keep the house warm on this chilly fall day. Several pictures were aligned on a shelf that Sophie was able to catch glances of. There was one of Alexis as a toddler on her father's lap with her mother and sister on the side. Then of Alexis with her older sister dressed up in princess costumes. Lastly a huge family portrait with more than 15 people surrounding what looked like Alexis sister's wedding.

The house, the family, the atmosphere looked happy. Then Sophie began to notice small details. The portrait had her mother and father on two separate sides. Alexis wasn't smiling like she should have been. The room spelt of burning fire, but nothing else. The house was just a cold empty space with furniture to fill it.

Moments later, Alexis came down the staircase with her hair straightened and make up put on. "Nana, where's my tea? Can you warm it up for me please?" Alexis took out a lipstick from her purse and added the finishing touches in front of a large mirror near the stairs.

"Alexis, there is someone here to see you."

"Nana, I told you I have no time... stop letting government surveyors into the house please, I have to go to work." Alexis pressed her lips together still not lifting her gaze from herself.

"Hey!" Sophie got up from her seat.

Alexis looked behind her reflection at Sophie's. Her eyes immediately widened, and it felt like she was in the biggest shock ever.

"I know your surprised to see me. It's been a while, but we really need to talk..." Sophie walked towards the door. "Maybe outside?"

Alexis opened her mouth to scold Sophie for daring to enter her house, but after a moment of thinking she decided not to. "Nana bring the tea to the backyard please." With that she clicked her heals through the house towards the back door that she opened up wide.

Sophie was confused if she was supposed to follow, and when Alexis waited for her near the door she hurried towards her.

It was really chilly and Sophie was glad that she had wore a nice thick sweater today. The two stood by an empty swimming pool.

"So what is it Sophie? I don't have much time so make it quick." Alexis put her hand to her hip.

"This is as quick as it gets so prepare yourself... I'm not Nathan's cousin. I was his fake fiancee. Pretend. Not real. Now here's the deal, YOU'RE going to make things right. He's going to propose and if you don't say yes, WE as in the three of us will NEVER get out of this hopeless situation." Sophie huffed out everything in one breath.

Alexis stared blankly at Sophie. Then after a moment sighed. "I can't believe you. It was you who broke us up then."

"What? No, you don't understand-"

"I understand everything! Nathan needed a break or whatever so he could figure you out! Thanks a fucking lot for ruining everything!"

"What break? He's going to propose to you-"

"He better! If he like me, he better put a ring on it. At least that'll show you who he chose!"

Sophie was out of words. This girl was out of her mind. So instead of arguing, she wrapped her arms around herself to keep warm and walked towards the backyard gate which opened in a click. "Alexis, you're one cold bitch."

Jared had his seat pushed back and was taking a quick nap with his face covered with a cap. When Sophie knocked on the glass, he jumped up startled. Then he unlocked the door so Sophie could get in.

Sophie sat down on the passenger seat without saying a word.

"So how was it? How do you feel relieving all the pressure and tension you kept bottled up inside of you from all those lies?" Jared grinned.


- -------------------------

Nathan packed up his papers, and stuffed his laptop in his bag. Then he looked to his table where the orange envelope stared at him. He hated that envelope and the paper inside. His ego couldn't let him forget how careless she was to forgetting him.

So Nathan flared his nose one last time and stuffed the envelope in his bag as well. He could probably drop this off at the divorce and separation attorney. But not in his office. People, colleagues, friends would gossip and ask stupid questions that Nathan didn't have time for. So he would have to drive a good distance to the next office. Nathan groaned before stepping outside with his coat.

- ------------

"Can I ask you a question?" Jared leaned against the door.

"Yeah sure." Sophie closed the cover to her suitcase and zipped it up.

"Will you never tell him how you feel? Just gonna let him sign the divorce paper without telling him his options?"

"Yup." Sophie smiled then pulled the bag down from her bed.

"Do you really want Alexis to get him? She doesn't even deserve him- no never mind. she's pretty sexy and he's a prick, so it's the other way around..." Jared trailed off topic.

Sophie shook her head. " It's really not a competition you know. She's his, and he's hers."

"I hate how you do this to yourself."

"Thanks for your concern, but I'm really not as stressed out about this as you. Today is literally the best day of my life. I've been waiting for this Jared, so stuff like this doesn't bring me down...and it shouldn't bring you down either." Sophie nudged Jared then brought the handle up.

"Why are you so excited to go? Aren't you upset your leaving me?"

"Of course I'm upset!" Sophie pinched Jared's frowning face teasingly. "I'm just excited to find you a sweet little new York girl that looooves to party. Perfect for you."

"Oh, so matchmaking services hmm?" Jared laughed. "Okay whatever. I'll go heat up the car while you finish packing up."

Sophie smiled. "Hey Jared." She called out to make him turn around. "Thanks again for taking me to the airport. Means a lot."

"That's what friends are for." Jared nodded.

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