Chapter 25

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Gala Surprise 

It was the day of Nathan's gala party and Sophie was at the verge of exploding because she had absolutely nothing to wear, of course that was much exaggerated. 

"Nathan I seriously have nothing to wear!" She complained in Nathan's ear like a fly trapped inside of your room and all you want is to slap it quite.  

"Fuck man. What do you want me to do about it?" He asked annoyed as he sat on his chair playing on his phone. 

Sophie pouted like a puppy with her lower lip extended forward. 

"Okay we'll go dammit." Nathan huffed. 

"Where?" Sophie asked even though she already knew. 

"Shopping. I know you've wanted it this entire time." Nathan lowered his eyes at her. 

"I Know!!! Yay!!!" Sophie screamed. This was too fun. 

So he did take her shopping. To a street full of stores that had shoes more expensive than Sophie's yearly groceries. She was at awe at how beautiful, yet pricey everything was. Every store was a boutique, and every store had something different. 

"I don't fucking trust you with my credit card, so I'm coming all the way out here, for fucking you." Nathan stumbled behind Sophie as she ran to different windows and smooshed her face against them to see the store without actually going inside.

Sophie giggled. He came here for her. "Wait..." She looked at Nathan with a raised eyebrow. "You're going to buy me the dress, from here?" 

"Yeah... from looking at what you wear, you can't afford the shit here. And I kinda guess I owe you one for being a dick..." He shrugged. 

Sophie was in awe. "Thank you!" The excitement took over and she unexpectedly hugged Nathan with the biggest smile on her face. 

Nathan was the one to cough and move away this time. 

Sophie was embarrassed at her own actions and her face started to turn pink. So she turned around and walked straight into the boutique she had her eyes on, without saying a word. 

Nathan was a bit confused at what just happened there, but he followed her in. 

Sophie tried to keep the price on the lower end as she didn't want to go overdressed to an event that was of no importance to her. Sophie was kind of a saver; a stylish saver who loved going sale shopping. Having a hard time choosing between two dresses she asked Nathan. "This one or this one?" She asked while lifting each up to show him. 

"Don't care." Nathan went back to his phone. 

"Excuse me." Sophie went and snatched his phone from his hand. "Can't you be a little, like this bit," she emphasized by making the gesture of tiny with her finger, "nice to me for once? Now tell me... This or this?" The employees laughed at the scene thinking they were just the cutest arguing couple ever. 

"This?" Nathan said without pointing at a certain dress. 

"Oh I love this one too!” Sophie held the dress against her body and made sure it looked absolutely perfect. It did. “Okay this please.” Still unable to believe that she was actually shopping here, she smiled with glee as she excitedly left the store after saying a gazillion thank yous.

Before their way back, Sophie bought nice heels to go perfectly with the dress. She was in love with her outfit, maybe because it was the only outfit she spent big money on.

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