Chapter 6

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It's Done

Sophie felt a slightly heavy load on her back when she woke in the morning. Her eye's adjusted to the new room and for a split second she thought her biggest nightmare was real; getting drunk and awaken beside a man in his unknown apartment. She moved her head uncomfortably to look at the other side of the bed, only to find Nathan in deep sleep. She smiled at his soft, calm breathing and how his nostrils flared a bit making him look completely adorable. His arm stretched gently on top of her. Sophie rubbed the sleep from her eyes and tried to put the pieces together to where she was and how she got here. She looked in the window's direction and squinted at the sunlight that peered through the blinds. Sophie closed her eyes for a little bit, until reality came crashing down and smacked her right in the face. She jerked up and shook her head from all her previous thoughts. He was not adorable, she couldn't believe she just thought that. Sophie flung his arm off of her in disgust. She looked at Nathan once more but this time all she saw was the monster she thought lived under her bed when she was 5. Sick to the stomach on how close he was to her, she got up needing to wash all that away from her system.

 First take a good shower, and then she could just go home in utter peace. Sophie closed the door behind her and admired the beauty of the washroom. Who would have thought that something so simple as the washroom could be so fancy with it's marble counter, double sinks, lights that lined up against the wall and gave the room a dark romantic feeling, and the jacuzzi that was so tempting that Sophie had to bite her lip in order to restrain herself. Sophie slid her clothes off and stood in the standing shower, ready to turn on the facet but scared it will make a noise and wake everyone up. Finally she let the water drum against her body. Her mouth instantly began humming and soon she started singing like this was her home all along.

Seems like there's always someone who disapproves

They'll judge it like they know about me and you

And the verdict comes from those with nothing else to do

The jury's out, but my choice...

Sophie was startled by the loud knocking against the door. "Open the damn door! You're in there for an hour already. Get out! Damn it, do you have to be wherever I need to go? Can't you fuckin not get under my skin for at least a minute.." Nathan slammed against the door constantly.

Sophie pressed her hand against her ear and closed her eyes. She tried so hard to block him out and enjoy her shower, but his voice was loud like a crying hippo and impossible to miss. She started to sing louder in case that might help.

 is you!

So don't you worry your pretty little mind!

People throw rocks at things that shine!

And life makes love look hard!

The stakes are high, the water's rough, but this love is ours!

Sophie opened her mouth to continue when she remembered that she forgot one crucial item in the room...her clothes. "Ugh!" She screamed. The drum off the shower was turned off, and she just stood there wondering what on Earth to do. Sophie got out and grabbed a towel from a neat pile in the corner. She wrapped herself in the towel and paused at the door...what if he tried to yank the towel off? Her eyes grew wide and she looked around frantically for anything that wasn't as easy to remove.

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