Meeting the Monster

Start from the beginning

"Naha." I remain outside. The cool air blowing brunette strands away from my face.

"What?" He looks back at me. Does he have a hearing problem?

"I need to go to hospital." I state with a tight throat. I still have to see my mum. If they allow me that is.

"You will stay here until I say you can leave." He narrows his eyes. Why did he always do that?
It wasn't the best look on him, made it look like he was some sort of a serial killer.

"No. Goodbye." I turn on my heel and stomp away.

"GUARDS!" The guy screams. Oh so now he is getting them bulky men involved.

"Are you completely out of your mind-'' I am smashed against the cold asphalt.

"Keep your hands visible!" one of the masculine men shouts and I give out a cry of pain.

I am raised up on my knees and my eyes catch chocolate ones.

"Let me go!" I try kicking and biting but nothing helps. I wish I could kick their asses and run.

Two men carry me away into some unfamiliar room and lock me there.

I hit the door with my fists and shout until my lungs begin to burn.

"Let me out!"

"Let me out!"

"Let me out!"

I say at last with a sob.

I glance around the massive room. There was the biggest bed I have seen in my entire life and if the situation was different I would have jumped on it.

I notice a desk with different papers piled on it and I want to reach for those.

An idea hits me like a bullet I get out my phone and dial a very special number.

My hands tremble but I manage to type the three numbers.

"911 what's the emergency?" A male voice responds.

"I've been kidnapped!" I squeak and whisper.

"Alright, do you know where you are or by who you are have been taken by?" The voice asks trying to find the details.

"No. I have no idea where I am. I'm locked in a mansion a very gothic style mansion, there's nothing else." I whisper concentrating on the man's words and not my thudding heart beat which increases with each passing second.

"We will try to track your whereabouts, Ma'am." The guy concludes and I heard him mention something to the people around, possibly other colleagues.

"Thank you, please hurry!" I exclaim and look at the door which could be opened any second. Adrenaline rushed through my system and made me take incoherent gulps of air.

A sound made somewhere in the house had me falling to the floor in fear. A defense mechanism of an opposum? What the hell was that?

A cool shiver runs down my back. My movements are clumsy because my mind is driven by fear, I'm sure it is obvious.

"Ma'am please calm down. What's your name?" The man suddenly calls out and it takes me a second to remember.

"Alexia. My name is Alexia." I stare at the dark brown door, I'm gasping for air.

"Alexia, please we're going to find you. Look around maybe there is something which can help us." The man reassures me and instead I focus on his request, shakily rising to my feet I take quiet steps in the direction of the desk sitting in the far right corner.

"Alright." I begin ravaging through stacks of white printer paper, studying the text and letters with confusion I hear the man on the line propose a question.

"Do you see anything?" The man quivers patiently, I take my time to answer still processing what I have learned this far.

"It's just weird papers. Most of them are letters about trespassing and rouges. I don't understand." I mutter and shove the letters back on the desk, almost aggresively.

"Wait hold up." I come to a stop and instead reach for a paper with a name on it. There it is, written clearly in black bold letters. I look at the rest, and notice that there is only one receiver for all of the letters. How could I not see this before?

"The name of my kidnapper is Alec Dark." I point out feeling, dread fill my stomach. A noise rose again and it was closer than I let myself on.

"Ma'am are you sure?" The man hesitates and I narrow my eyes wanting to pull the phone back from my ear and stare at it in shock.

"It says Dark Pack Enterprises. I've heard the name Dark before when the camera people came in-" I pause when man interrupts me with a rushed clearing of the throat, it all went silent from his colleagues too.

"I'm sorry ma'am we are unable to help you." He apologises and hangs up. Hangs up?!

"What no!!" I scream loudly pressing digits rapidly on the phone.

I try dealing the number again.
I type in 911.

"The number you are trying to reach is not available."

"What?!" I gasp. How can you not reach 911? Unless someone cut off the line that is...

Something clearly large bangs into the door on the other side and I let out a screech.

"Help! Someone Help!" I scream violently thrashing from one corner of the room to another; suddenly everything goes silent. Like deadly silent.

Knock, knock.

"Who's there?" I ask stupidly, off course you don't just do that and get away alive. Stepping closer to the door, my thoughts wonder off in all imaginable directions. Who exactly this Alec was? Who did he hold in his mansion? What sort of alligators or bears?

Then the lock is twisted, it is done so carefully and slowly at first i thought I have imagined the whole thing.
The door knob is turned with a creeping squeak.

The door cracks open to reveal a small framed lady. Her eyes are amber brown. Golden locks reach just below her small Shoulders and she stares at me.

"I've brought you food." She says and walks in. Keeping the door open.

I look at the door expectedly, waiting for something else to enter. For a giant polar bear probably? The lady doesn't turn once and walks up to the table placing the medium sized plate on the table. My stomach churns at the sight of the food.

I don't waste time thinking, because o ran instead. Sprinting on my heels I glide into a short corridor.

"Help!" I scream maybe in hope for someone normal to hear me. Or maybe just because I was scared shit less.

Then I'm knocked against the wall. Not gently, no-no. Whoever this was assumed I was a tennis ball and they have just flipped me with a racket.

My head bangs against the green wall and that's how dizziness clouds my eyes at once.

I look up seeing a blurry black form leaning over my body.

I get up on my shaking knees and run while yelping incoherent pleas on the way.
Just then my left knee gets caught up in a paw of the monster and I take the right turn which sets my flight downstairs.

The light switch goes off first and then  does my brain.

AN- A shorter chapter today but vote and comment if you like it!!!!!


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