Nervously watching the driver get out of the car. The look of pure anger is clearly visible on his face.

Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.

He looks through the drivers window and signals me to move to the side of the road.

I smile innocently and shake my head when in the reality I feel like crying.

The rage filled man then advances back into the black luxury and easily rolls to the side of the road. I follow but its not as easy, since my driving experience is barely 4 months tops.

Opening the door I hop out on my shaky legs.

The clean shaved man gets out too and I'm trying to smile but his look just doesn't allow me to.

"Listen I will pay for the damage! Just tell me how much-" the man murmurs something incoherent and opens the passenger door.

I see a flash of an expensive suit and to my view appears another person.
Looking like in his mid-twenties. His lean beautiful face is completely neutral.

I simply gawk at him in awe.

He coughs uncomfortably and then speaks,

"No wonder my car got damaged." His voice is deep and manly, hell it was better than any of my fantasies and dreams!

What did he say again....

My brows furrow and I plaster a frown, "Is that meant to be an insult?" I barely recognize my voice, since when I'm a freaking squeaking mouse?!

"Take it how you like." His deep voice warms up my cheeks. Ignoring my flashing cherries, I focus my attention on the real problem here.

"How much do I have to pay for the damage?" I mutter out bluntly. I was trying to play it cool, alright?!

"$50,000." The angel himself says with an unreadable look. He stuffs his medium sized hands into the pockets of his black coat which brought out his dark brown eyes and dark disheveled hair.

"R-really?" Stuttering I hold on to the side of my car. I never even thought of such amount of money let alone had it in my hands.

"Yes." The driver responds after stepping back and looking at the front of the Mercedes.

No offence but I'm really starting to hate Mercedes now!

"But-but it's just a scratch. But-but $50,000?!" I palm my cheeks feeling like I'm going to pass out. Where am.I freaking going get him, $50,000. I'm sure I looked like a homeless person 24/7, so what is he actually talking about!?

"I'm not cheap." The guy states looking at me. I want to yell at him for jumping to wrong conclusions but my mother taught me manners which I was going to incorporate into my lifestyle.

Did he really think I was trying to offend him?

"I never said you were." I study the guy for any emotion but his black eyes just watch me back.

"I know." He smiles and I see pop of flash white grin that sends goosebumps down my spine. My palms begin to sweat and I'm super alert of the fact that this person right there is giving me a heart attack of a good kind!

I dare to smile back but when I do his face drops. His features darken with anger and my wide cheerful smile fades away like it was never there in the first place.

He looks at me and my car before that deep marvellous voice speaks again. Why doesn't every guy talk like that!?

"How are you going to pay for the car repair?" He stares at me waiting. Patience, I wanted to tease him, but I didn't because I barely knew the guy.

The Werewolf CEO 1 of The CEO SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now