Chapter Twenty-Nine

Start from the beginning

“I know, I just love saying it!” she giggled, “How about Mrs Kaitlin Crawford instead? I like that too.”

Amelia smiled, “Where are you?”

“My husband has taken the day off work, finally, to treat me to brunch, al fresco at Canary Wharf.”

“Very nice,” Amelia laughed, “I was thinking about popping round later?”

“Sure,” Kaitlin replied, “James and I are just about done, meet at Crawford House in… an hour and a half?”

“Great,” Amelia nodded, “Blake has a deathly dull meeting up town today, so I’m all alone.”

“Well, James, Baby and I will keep you company and I promise, James and I will be on our best behaviour.” Kaitlin giggled

“You better be!” Amelia teased, “See you then.”

“Okay Mia, bye for now.”

Kaitlin never failed to put a smile on Amelia’s face. She drove to Crawford House with the stereo blaring, in a fantastic mood; perfect boyfriend, perfect house, great best friend, awesome big brother, loving parents, the best life. Nothing could spoil that.

Once inside, she busied herself with tidying up. Her parents were away for the week down in Cornwall and she wanted everything to be pristine and perfect for their arrival back.

Of course, James and Kaitlin lived at Crawford House until their place that was being specially built was ready for them, so there was some mess, particularly James’ socks. That boy had a serious problem! No matter how many times his mum, Amelia or Kaitlin would tell him, he would never listen. He would come home, fling off his shoes and socks and leave them in the exact same place he had taken them off! It was ridiculous! How Kaitlin could stand it, she had absolutely no idea! It was one of those things, those pet peeves, those weird, crazy things that no one could stand or put up with, but no one did anything about or tried to stop in anyway whatsoev—

“Honey! I’m home!”

Amelia froze, paralysed, the sock dropped from her hand as she slowly span around.

She inhaled sharply.



“Well, well, well, if it isn’t little Mia Crawford. Looking well I see, far better than my last visit.”

She swallowed hard, “Nicholas…”

He was dressed in a black turtle neck under a black leather jacket with dark jeans and Timberland boots, steel toed.

“Gone brunette I see? Very sexy….”

“N—Ni—Nicholas… what are you doing here?” she breathed

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