"Oh, uh.."

"Look, let's cut to the chase here, you're fired" He nodded as I scoffed.

"Why am I fired? I mean not that I'm bothered, I came here to quit but why would you fire me?"

"Oh please, Katie, you showed up to about 4 of your shifts" He said standing up as he handed me over my last check and walked back behind the kitchen.

I chuckled to myself as I stood up looking for the guys, spotting them a couple of tables away.

The door swung open to the restaurant as it hit off the wall, causing everyone to look at the door as Calum stormed through, straight over to me while I backed away slightly.

"Please tell me it isn't true" He said as I looked at him, unsure.


"Please tell me you aren't really pregnant"


"And please tell me, I wasn't the last person to know about this" He said as everyone in the restaurant was watching us.

"Calum can w-"

"Are. You. Pregnant?" He said slowly looking at me.

All I could do was nod as he sighed and slammed a table making me flinch and everyone was now definitely watching us.

"Calum don't do this here, let me explain" I shook my head.

"Yeah I would like an explanation please" He said folding his arms while everyone watched us as I glanced at them all.

"Can we go outside?" I sighed.

"No" He raised his voice as I stepped back and saw the guys running over.

"Calum, chill" Michael said.

"Did you know about this?" He said looking at Michael who just looked back at him, "You all knew didn't you" He scoffed looking at Ashton and Luke as well, "My own friends fucking knew and didn't tell me"

"It's not their fault" I said as he looked at me.

"Why didn't you tell me? I had a right to know!"

I grabbed his arm and pulled him out the front door to the side of the restaurant.

"Look, I know you're pissed but you have to understand this is hard for me" I said looking at him.

"Of course I fucking know that! You don't think it's hard for me too, you now have your life planned out, you're going to start a family with a guy you love and I've blew absolutely everything."

"Well it looks like we're on the same boat, Alex left me.."

"He what?" He said turning round to look at me, "He's a fucking dick, that is such a dick move" He shook his head, "Knock a girl up then fucking leave"

"No, he didn't leave me because of that" I shook my head, "He left me because I had been lying to myself and he knew it."

"Look, I'm sorry he left you but all this doesn't have anything to do with the fact that you lied to me, I found out by a fan on the street, do you know how stupid that made me feel?"

"I didn't mean-"

"Katie, ever since you and I got back, I tried my hardest to make it up to you and show you how much you mean to me but now I'm not receiving anything back" He sighed, kicking a rock.

"No but you have to listen-"

"You're life is going to change after you have this baby and you and I both no it isn't going to work with me in it" He sighed as I shook my head.

"Calum, don't. Don't say that"

"It's the truth" He shrugged looking at me once and then he walked away.


"I'm going to ask you an important question" The man spoke up as I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him.

"Uh, sure" I nodded while he sighed and leaned closer to me.

"Have you had, you know, sexual intercourse recently?" He said as I widened my eyes.

"What are you trying to say?" I asked as he went under his desk and pulled out the rectangular box with the pregnancy test inside.

I laughed, "No way, I took the pill" I said, whispering the last bit as I was aware Amber was floating around in the background.

I took it to the bathroom and as I was waiting, I went back out to grab my phone from my bag so I could set the timer for around 2 minutes.

I looked through my bag, getting my phone and looked up for Amber as I realised she was probably in the car, waiting.

I went back in and waited for the result as my heart dropped.


I was brought back to reality from the flashback I was having as I looked up at the doctor.

"Oh, uh sorry, what was the question?" I said looking at the woman.

"What can I do for you?"

"Oh, um, it's just uh, I'm pregnant, I found out at least 2 weeks ago but I haven't been sick that much and I'm just scared for the baby I guess" I shrugged as she nodded.

"Don't worry about it dear, we'll have this sorted for you in no time" She smiled.


"I'm sorry, I don't understand" I said looking at the doctor.

"Miss Mitchell, you aren't pregnant"

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