Chapter One: "Little Miss Perfect."

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"What do you want? It's practicing hours. Go practice football or something."

" I came to see you, silly." Don't get me wrong, Jake was sexy. He was a male model for hollister and had perfect light brown messy hair. He had amber eyes, a boyish face, and perfect white teeth. I rolled my eyes and laid my leg on the wooden bar to stretch some more.

"Well get out. You're not wanted here." He came closer and I stopped stretching. " I'm serious." He smirked and pushed me into the wall. "Stop." Jake's hand started to roam my body and I shoved him hard.

He didn't budge.

"Stop!!!" Jake got out a knife and cut my leotard straps. "Help!!Stop!" I struggled as I was pinned against the wall. As he winked at me, I kicked him the balls, and ran for my life. I tripped on air and fell hard. I looked up and Jake stood up over me.

"Wrong mistake, bitch." I shut my eyes tight, waiting for the worst but it never came. All I heard was a "crash!" I opened my eyes and saw a tall guy in all black, glaring at Jake who was on the floor, clutching his stomach. I watched the mystery boy's black combat boots walk over to meet my pink expensive silky balle flats which bruised my feet.

He got down on his knees, and undid the silk ribbons on my ankles. I shook at his cold porecelian pale skin slightly touching my leg. I tried to look at his face but he wore a black hoodie. He was almost dressed like the girl I saw earlier but more gothic and punkish. He had on a spiky chocker, torn black jeans, black leather combat boots, a black hoodie, and black fingerless gloves. His body was slender but muscular, and his legs were extremely long.

After undoing my flats, he rubbed my feet that had red nasty cuts and bruises from cheer, balle, and gymnastics.

"Ointment." The boy said in a raspy whisper which gave me the goosebumps.

"It- It should be in the aid pack over there hanging on the wall." He stood and walked over to get it. Once he returned, he took it out a applied some of the cream to my cuts. I blushed and got redder by the minute.

This guy was treating me like a princess and I didn't even know his name.

"Do you go here?" I asked as he skillfully bandaged my feet with the gauge.

"No, I don't live in this area." His voice was raspy and deep which was really attractive. It wasn't loud but it wasn't quite either.

"Then why are you here?"

" I'm looking for my little sister, which is none of your damn Business."

Well then.

"If you're talking about the one with the gray beanie and all the piercings, I saw her earlier and helped her get away from the cops and returned the money she stolen." He looked up at me with mystical, fierce, and bold blue eyes that sparkled like a million stars were placed in them.

" Thank you but I still don't like you or your kind, Little Miss Perfect."

" My "Kind" ?"

"Yep. Rich little stuck up bitches who think the world revolves around them." I stood up, about to get all up in his face, only to reach his chest. I looked up and stood on his shoes to get a little taller. As I got inches away from his face, my heart stopped.


He had pale porcelian clear skin that looked like if you was to touch it, it would shatter instantly from your soft touch. His lips were full and pink, also shaped perfectly, and looked oober soft and kissable. His eyes were lined with eyeliner and shaped like the crescent moon with long lashes. His black eyebrows were thick but shaped. His septum, bottom lip, the bridge of his nose,and right eyebrow was pierced. His ears were gauged.

On his neck was tattoos of green, black, and red lines that formed into swirls and etc. The rest was blocked off by a hoodie. As I touched his soft cat like hair, his longa bangs fell to his nose with lime green tips.

"Don't touch me." He growled, glaring at me through his bangs. I blushed. I got so caught up in his face, I forgot to tell him off.

"Listen you...really attractive guy, I am not a stuck up brat, okay? You are stereotyping rich people a little too much." I said.

"You're a ballerina with a huge ass diamond on your necklace. I'm sure I'm right."

"Pah-lease, what about you guys? Are you devil worshipers or athiest who listen to Screamo all damn day?! I think I got that right!"

" Actually, I'm a christain and I listen to classical music. I also play the violin."


"Yep, like you are now."

"I'm not!"

" Just shut and be happy I saved your ass because you would be getting raped right now if it wasn't for me and you would be getting your cuts infected." I backed away. He was right about that.

"Oh yes, thank you. Say, what is your name?"

" That's none of your concern." He started walking away and I yelled out to him.

"I'm Bridget!" He stopped in his tracks and looked at me.

"I'm not good for you."

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