Night of Pleasure, Warning After (E)

Start from the beginning

Grabbing the quilt by the fire, I wrapped it around myself and began the task of finding my dress. 

"Anora, you are too tempting in the mornings." A husky, raspy voice spoke from directly behind me.

I froze with my back turned to Cain.

He grabbed the quilt from me and dropped it on the ground at his feet.

He took a breath and did not touch me.

Feeling brazen, I turned to face him. He took a step back and his eyes widen the tiniest bit.

"In the light of day, you're more breath taking than I had originally thought." He whispered and came forward

He grabbed both of my breasts and squeezed them as he hungrily took my mouth.

Wrapping my arms around his neck I melted into his form.

Breaking the kiss, he leaned his head against mine.

"I cannot wait to call you wife." 

"You already do, Cain." 

"You know exactly what I am referring to, wife." He smirked at me.

Laughing softly at his comment, I tried to untangle myself from him but his hold tightened.

"Cain, the staff is already up and about. Braiden is already downstairs with Wind. I must return to-" 

"No, you will not." He said.

"Why ever not?" I frowned

"You are going to spend the rest of the day in my bed that is why. Last night was but a taste of what a women you are. Now, I want more than a mere taste." He began kissing my neck.

"Cain. We are not married, we cannot simply spend all day in bed." 

"Yes we bloody well can." 

"We cannot." I pushed on his chest and stepped away from him.

He crossed his arms and stared down at me. I did not cower from his gaze, nor did I submit to his wishes.

"We are not married yet. Not for another day." I placed my hands on my hips.

Raising a brow at me, we had a power struggle.

He was used to having people, both male and female, drop everything they were doing to do as he bid. I was used to having control and order and having people follow my orders down to the last detail. In the end, I realized that he was not going to submit and I would have to be the one to do so first or we'd die of starvation before this issue was resolved. 

Sighing I picked the quilt back up and continued searching for my dress. 

"I said you are not leaving this room." Cain said softly.

Looking at his from the corner of my eye as I began dressing I said nothing.

"You are not leaving I said." He said loudly

Ignoring him I walked to the door.

Slamming it shut the moment I opened it I turned to look at him. "Why can I not go?" 

"Because you will not." He said not taking his hand off of the door

"I will leave now, Cain." 

"You will not."

"Why not?"

"Because I am going to have my way with you, Anora. That is why." He smirked

Why is this not surprising?

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