"Ja-Jackson Sir," Stiffly, Jackson turned his head towards the door, where stood the Hardings' only child Michelle, nervously playing with the hem of her sweater. "What?!" He asked impatiently, not seeing how his mate shook like an earthquake at the girl's appearance, nor how everyone was listening in curiously.

Shelly eyed the cowering former Luna with trepidation, she knew she might end up in Lilly's place after saying her piece but despite the possibility, she took a deep breath while staring the leaders head on. "There's something you should know, about Rain."

It was ten a.m, the hour that nominated itself as the bearer of bad, life altering news. This is why Jackson dreaded the girl's words. What did she know about about the Evertons' daughter?


Collin paced his porch, the whiskey in his hand not lessening his worries at all. His mate had been too calm for his liking. He feared she was really mad with him, that she actually blamed him for this.

He placed his glass carelessly on the railing of his porch, noting his business partner eyeing him with curiosity. He hadn't offered him a drink, nor did he let him into the house, which in itself
was unusual and he was pacing like crazy. "I can't help but notice that something seems to be bothering you, want to talk about it-maybe?" the man asked with a hands-in-pockets shrug. Maybe Peter had a right to be curious, but Collin figured the willowy built man wouldn't like the answer to his curiousity. So, with the shake of his head in answer, continuing his pacing.

Eva had never been so furious in her whole life, not even when the news of the Harding girl's lies about her daughter surfaced throughout the whole pack today did she feel this angry and the girl had ruined her child's life for NO tangible reason at all! She had panicked when her mate suddenly arrived from work as early as 1 pm looking all disheveled, going down on his knees and begging for her forgiveness while he babbled nonsense of 'I denied her', 'please don't be angry' and 'I can't lose you too' before pressing a kiss to a confused Eva's lips as he opened their bond to it's fullest stretch. And what Eva saw, had her breathing fire!

"Are you going to try and bore holes into my skull with that stare of yours or are you actually going to tell me why you chased the club out of your home so harshly?" Melissa asked, raising an elegantly arched brow. The snake!

"You got it, everything you wanted you got," Eva started, hand flailing all over the place. "even back in high school, such an attention whore you were!"
"Excuse me?!" Melissa yelled out in shock, nobody talked to her this way, ever! "You weren't satisfied that you wrecked our children's lives were you?!" Eva raged on unfazed by Melissa's outcry. "No! You still had to try and seduce MY mate for a measly business deal when you already have more money than you know what to do with-"

"Mind your tone with me Evangeline, remember who I am!" Melissa cut the enraged woman off, never had she seen Eva lose her composure in this manner, frankly, she feared this side of her. Just because she was born from a lineage of warriors didn't mean that she was steeled and weathered like her ancestors. "Oh I know who you are," Eva said as she brought her hidden hand from her back, revealing from it a VERY long whip. "a power hungry snake that swallows up everything in its path but Collin, Collin is MINE!" And she lashed...
Hearing a loud thud against the closed door to the Evertons, Peter's hackles rose, more so when growls and screams followed, Melissa!

He made for the door only to be stopped by something shattering painfully against the back of his head. " Ugh!" He groaned in pain, placing his hand on the injured area, there was blood and small particles of what was once a glass of whiskey. He turned to the man responsible for his undeserved injury. Though he dreaded facing off against the intimidating figure of his business partner, especially since his shirt sleeves rolled up to reveal his reasonably muscled forearms. But still, the man was a mess, something Peter didn't quite understand. Taking a couple of steps away from the door, he fought against nature's call to 'defend mate'. Attempting to face the man who unreasonably injured him just now, he was met with the cold stare of a very high strung Collin. "Care to expl-"
"Peter," Collin said, cutting the man off. "THIS is between the she-wolves so I highly suggest that you stay out of it." Whether it was the words or the low warning tone in which they were said that made Peter obey is a mystery but the fact is that he was no fighter, only an intellectual. And so, Peter chose to bear every wince that marred his face each time he heard a scream or a loud bang coming from within the Everton household where his mate was SURELY getting the beating of her life.


She had been raped, rejected and had witnessed the near death of her pups yet it was only now that the nightmares were catching up to her.

Ohh how they took their time...

It never failed to literally suffocate her when she was faced with the memories of her encounter with Emmery, she fell sick when she remembered how his meaty fingers were wrapped tight around her throat as the devil reincarnate left a nasty trail of saliva on her cheeks when he'd licked her tears away. Sometimes she feared she would die from the dreams alone, leaving her pups to fend for themselves in such a cruel, cold world.

Raped, rejected and abandoned. Such a perfect combination IF one wanted to create a monster.

She had so much anger that aggression became a friend and trust, an enemy.

She was angry that JJ had used her so easily, angry that Emmery violated her without consequence but mostly, she was furious that Shelly let things get that far when she knew the truth from the very beginning. In her conclusion, her world will be rid of Alphas like Emmery, and what of love? That was nothing but 'a couple of tumbles in-between the sheets' all guised under a sickly sweet lie called 'love'.

Fate had screwed her over enough times to let her in on that little secret of course.

Her childhood was stolen from her and her innocence ripped from within her. What a thing called life, this is what playing by the rules had rewarded her with, a game of hide and seek with death.

Just a single mom, a rogue with every pack trying to kill her at first sight just for existing. What a sin breathing has become for her kind.

She was already at war with her nature and the transition from being a pack wolf to a rogue was a gruesome one. Not many lived through it because they were killed just as they were learning to survive on their own.

She was still alive though and perhaps that was to be considered luck. However, there was a price to this, her sanity. At times she felt content to just be with her pups and at other times, she found herself darting into dangerous territory in hopes of a swift death.

She would sometimes wake up next to the carcass of an overgrown python or other dangerous creature with the remainder of its blood at the sides of HER mouth, if not that, it would be prey she had unknowingly hunted. What's worse is that she'd have no recollection of where she was nor how she got there.

It was then that she acknowledged her pups as the anchors that keep her grounded to reality because at one thought of them, she found her way back. But overall, she was adjusting.

She looked as wild as she felt with just an arrangement of leaves covering her privates while half the dirt of the forest grounds resided in her hair.

Rain fitted the last stone of the barricade to the cave in which her pups slept peacefully. Finished, she checked if there were enough gaps at the top to let in some air so her pups could breathe. Satisfied, she checked the bottom to make sure there are no holes that would let in snakes or such that could harm her pups. She was pleased when found none then took a few steps back from the cave. A grunt of pain passed her throat as her body contorted, bones popping and cracking as she shifted into her five foot tall midnight black wolf, giving the reigns to Lara. The she-wolf sniffed around the cave for foreign scents before taking off.

Standing atop the mountain she once saw fit for her death, Lara looked otherworldly in the moonlight as she faced off against the full moon. This wolf had found her purpose and she was going to pursue it no matter what. Honest question is, how many other wolves were suffering pains the likes of hers? 

And so, as her yellow eyes tinted red, a snarl ripped out of Lara's snout before she howled a howl so aggressive that a cloud drifted over, shielding the moon from the wolf's anger.

Lara's message to the moon goddess was clear, 'Rejoice at the life you forced upon me cause, from now on I. Own. It.'


Well, I'm out of words. I owe you guys so much but an apology is all I have for now. Hope u liked the update.

Addict does love you for real.

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