Tension (Chapter 34)

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CAUTION: This chapter contains some smut, so if you are uncomfortable with that, sorry. But hope you enjoy it! Comment, vote, and share!(:


It was strange. The only two boys in the world who made me feel safe were in the same room, yet I felt as if I were locked in a cage with lions prowling around me. Every movement made me flinch, waiting for something to happen. Nick was here for comfort, but he looked no where near it. Austin said he has changed but I can see the darkness in his eyes, his knuckles white as he held the couch cushion. With Nick there he barely made a move to touch me, the only contact made was when his hand accidentally brushed my leg when he sat down. I'm starting to think the whole moment at the hospital was fake, they looked like they were getting along fine, but now that were alone, the room has so much tension. I remember the way Nick's legs bounced up and down while he bit his nails, there was something wrong. When he left Austin let out a huge sigh as if he were holding his breath the whole time. I was upset, I knew he had sensed it because he finally wrapped his arms around me, that warm feeling running through my body, but yet, I felt uncomfortable. I had broken away from his touch to go check in on Grace one last time before I went up to bed, she was sleeping soundly. I remember when I took her to the bathroom earlier, when she saw Austin her smile was so big, and when he took her in his arms she held his face and talked to him for what seemed like hours, they spent most of the evening together.

And now here I lay, alone in my bed. Austin's footsteps echoed through the silent house as he came to my door. He hesitantly walked in, looking in to see if I was asleep, when he saw my eyes he smiled and closed the door behind him. His shoes hit the floor with a thump placing them by the wall. I watched as he walked next to the bed, he looked down at me and smiled, his hand reaching out to cup my face and squeeze my cheeks playfully, I let out a quiet laugh and pulled at his wrist. Still smiling at me he shook his head. His hands worked at his belt and then his button and zipper, all while his eyes were locked on mine. Slowly they fell to the floor and he kicked them to the side smirking. His hands reached up and over to grip the back of his shirt, he swiftly pulled it over his head. He looked down at what he was wearing and then back up at me.

"Do you have any of my clothes here?" He asked a slight pink in his cheeks. I didn't answer him, I got up and walked towards my closet, I pulled out a pile of clothing he had left here, a few shirts, boxers and a pair of jeans. I took the clothes and placed them on my bed, Austin stood next to me looking through his few options. He grabbed his black boxers and my favorite Trukfit shirt of his. He looked down at me and bit his lip. "Here" he smiled placing the shirt into my hand. I looked up at him in confusion but he just kissed me "I want you to wear it" he said against my lips kissing me again. I nodded and pulled away taking the shirt and some undergarments to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and flinched, I looked like this all day? My face was pale, hair was sticking out all over the place and spilling from my bun, dark circles under my eyes giving away how exhausted I was. I stripped off my old clothing, leaving me stand there nude, I looked over my small body, looking at the bruises I've made on my legs by being my clumsy self. I took the red lace underwear I had grabbed and slid those up my legs and then Austin's shirt that rested on my hips. I took the elastic band between my fingers and tugged it out of my hair. I watched as the waves unfolded onto my shoulder and was surprised by how decent it looked. I ran my fingers through it and let it rest on my back. I didn't have the effort to put on makeup, if Austin hasn't said anything he obviously doesn't care. I looked at myself one last time and shrugged. I kicked my clothes into the pile of already worn stuff and opened the door. When I walked into my room, Austin was laying on my bed, his eyes stuck on the ceiling, when he heard the door close he looked over at me and leaned up against his elbows. The lamp next to my bed making his chest glow. As I walked closer to the bed his eyes grew wider.

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