All for her (Chapter 9)

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"Hey baby!" I said as I heard Grace's voice on the other line.

"Hi mommy" she said quietly, it was pretty late already.

"How's your day?" I asked pacing the room.

"It's Wednesday." She mumbled.

"No, how was your day" I laughed and it was silent for a while.

"Good" she yawned, I frowned slightly and sighed into the phone.

"Go to bed, call me tomorrow baby, I love you" I said and she yawned again.

"Love you too" she yelled and ended the call with a big kiss through the phone, I sat on the bed and twirled my phone in my hand, it's only been two days and I miss her so much! I heard a knock at the door and I muffled a quiet come in. Robert sat beside me and put his hand on my thigh, moving it up and down slowly. I was disgusted by his actions and got up.

"What's wrong, you've been like this since we got here" he huffed. I couldn't hold back my feelings so I let them all out.

"Hmm, maybe it's the way you drool over Shaelee" I hissed and stood up frowning his eyebrows.

"What are you talking about?" He rolled his eyes and I shook my head.

"I'm not stupid Robert!" I snapped and he looked down.

"I'm sorry ok" he said quietly grabbing for my hands.

"You're admitting it?" I said harshly pulling my fingers from his and he nodded.

"You're a pig" I spat and his eyes widened.

"Oh come on Charlotte! That's what guys do, they see a hot girl and we are steered into them." I felt the heat in my face build.

"You like her" He stayed quiet and I let a few tears fall.

"I love you Charlie, I really do but.."

"But!?" I cried and he stuffed his hands in his pocket, he walked up to me lifting my chin and wiping the tears. I turned my head away and clenched my jaw.

"So you're breaking up with me." My voice and hands trembling at the thought.

"I didn't say that" he mumbled

"But your implying it" he nodded and I laughed.

"All for her?" I spat and he stared at me.

"Fuck you" I said and pushed him, I stormed down the hallway and walked out the door, I didn't realize the storm that was outside, the rain pelted my skin but I could care less. I sat on the stairs and let my cries out, I could feel my body start to freeze but I ignored the pain, unable to move.

"What the hell" I heard a voice yell with feet running towards me, my body was trembling because of the cold, I was picked up and brought into the house. My eyes slowly opened and I saw Peyton, running me into the bathroom. He laid me into the shower and ran the warm water trying to warm me up.

"What the hell were you thinking" he yelled and rubbed his hands up and down my arms.

"I was mad" I said quietly and he laughed

"Mad!? So you went into the rain to freeze" he hissed and I shook my head.

"Robert, h-he broke up with me" I said starting to cry again.

"Shit Charlotte, I'm sorry" he whispered and lifted me to my feet hugging me tightly not caring if his clothes were soaked.

"It's because of her" I cried harder and he tried to calm me down.

"You're a great girl, she's less than you and you know that" he said cupping my face.


"No Charlie, you're better. Most guys like easy girls, and he's one of them, and others go for the ones with the biggest heart, you just gotta find him, don't ever stoop to her level, do you understand me?" I nodded and he smiled.

"I want you to go change and take your stuff to my room, you can use my bed ill take the couch for the night." I hugged him and kissed his cheek thanking him, I did as he asked and I changed into some black sweatpants and a red jumper, I tied my hair up and put on my glasses taking my stuff into Peyton's room. I opened the door and Austin looked up from his bed. I closed the door behind me and set my stuff down.

"What's going on?" He asked coming over to me.

"Robert dumped me for Shaelee" I fake laughed and he shook his head pulling me to his chest with his arms. The warmth of his body heating mine up, he flinched back and moved his arms up and down my back.

"You're freezing" he said and I nodded into his chest.

"Do you need anything" he said quietly and I looked up at him.

"Just hold me" I pleaded and he smiled resting his head on mine while his arms were wrapped around me snugly. I don't know how much time past but I pulled back from him slowly.

"Will you come out there with me" I asked quietly and he nodded, he followed behind me and sat beside me on the couch his hip connected to mine. Peyton joined on the other side of Austin and the drinks were brought out and we sat back watching everyone get trashed.

"You should come drink with us" Shaelee slurred pulling on Robert's hands that was on the opposite side of the room.

"I don't know" he winced and she pouted.

"Don't be a party pooper" she laughed and he rolled his eyes.

"I'll have a drink, just one" he said smiling up at her, I was taken back by his actions and watched one drink turn into three. Austin noticed my reactions and put his arm over my shoulder.

"Don't worry about it" he said running his hands up and down my back, I looked at Austin and his eyes were on mine, i gave him a half smile and looked back, Whitney was dancing on Tyler while Shaelee took turns on Zach and Robert, and Alex and Sarah were lovey dovey on the couch, my anger grew as I watched Robert dance with her, I stood up and walked to the beverages grabbing myself a coke I turned into Robert and he smiled.

"I was looking for you" he laughed and grabbed my hips.

"I was on the couch" I said trying to move but he didn't let me. He laughed and I looked over to Austin.

"Im going to bed" I said gritting my teeth and he raised his eyebrows.

"I like the sound of that" Robert said partially understandable.

"No. We broke up remember" I said angrily and he nodded.

"I like the sound if that" Shaelee slurred and wrapped her arm around him, my hand clenched to fists and I dropped my drink, before I could make a move both my wrists were grabbed and pulled back, Austin's delicate touch on them were surprising yet strong.

"C'mon" he said and grabbed my hand taking me to the room.

"I think we should head the bedroom" Shaelee whispered loud enough for me to over hear. i was fuming and Austin closed the door and I stormed around the room.

"She's not worth the fight" he said quietly and moved towards me.

" I know, it's him I want to punch" I said and he put his hands in mine.

"Just let him go, he lost an amazing girl and he'll regret it, believe me, I know" he said, he played with my fingers in his hand and I looked up at him, I couldn't help it, his love for me was still there, his voice making me weak, his plump lips begging for mine. I kissed him.

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