Chapter 26

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I wake up before Ruby does and start getting ready. I decide not to wake her yet since she doesn't have classes on Wednesday. I finish brushing my hair, I grab my car keys and walk out the door.

As I start driving I get a text. It's from Ruby.

* you should've let me take you* the text says and I toss my phone in the passenger seat knowing the risks of what could happen again. I start to think about Madison and I have a feeling of temptation again but I shake my head and try to get rid of those thoughts.

" Fuck I'm late" I curse to myself trying to rush to class.

After school I get into my car and check my phone and I have a text from Madison.

* Ruby texted saying she is done with me and I ruined everything in her life. I ruin everything Allie I can't keep doing this, when I'm here I hurt people, I can't stay her anymore.* As I finish reading it I quickly dial her number and it goes to voicemail after the second ring. I call again and it goes to voicemail after the first so I know she is looking at her phone. I continue to call and she finally answers.

" God dammit Madison why didn't you just answer" I ask with a shaky voice.

" Allie... I can't do this, leave me alone and let me go in peace" she says with monotone.

" Madison don't leave, you can't just let me help you please" I plead but all I hear is soft breathing.

" Madison, tell me where you are please" and the call hangs up. I call again and no more ringing. I start my car and start driving to Madison's house. My phone rings and I get a text and it's Ruby.

* Hey where are you?*

* Going to check on Madison, I think she is going to try hurting herself, what's her address* I reply knowing that I can't keep more secrets from her. My phone starts ringing and Ruby is calling me.

" What are you and Madison going to keep fucking?!" Ruby yells through the phone.

" You actually think I would tell you that Ruby, tell you that I'm going to her house because she is going to hurt herself, but instead I'm just going to fuck her. No Ruby, I'm telling you the truth because that's what we promised. If you don't believe me then I'll find it myself!!" I angrily say through the phone and gripping my steering wheel tight.

" ... I'm sorry, I'll send you the address" she says softly.

" You're not going to help me find her" I ask kinda of pissed so I pull off to the side of the road.

" Do you want me too" she questions.

" You should want to Ruby, she is your friend. What if she dies!" I yell through the phone again and I try to calm myself down.

" Okay, I'm sorry. I'll head over there too" and there is silence.

" Hurry and send me the address" I say and hang up the phone. I get the address and I start driving again. I get to the house and Ruby isn't their yet and I don't see Madison's truck. I get it of my car and knock on the door and no answer. I start checking around the house and it seems like a ghost town besides all the small decorations. I go back to the front door and check under the mat and in the plant for a key. I see a loose tile and I pick it up and I find one. I open the door and start walking in. I walk to her room and see her room is a mess and I find a needle on her bed and a band with little glass bottles. I freeze and I start feeling my anxiety rising. I look in the bathroom and find empty pull bottles. I walk into the room I slept in and I find a piece of paper in the trash. I pick it up and I see pen writing on it and I open it and start reading it.

* Allie, I don't know if you were smart enough to notice the loose tile in front of the door but if you did then you are smart, but I'm dumb and hopeless. I don't deserve to people because I hurt everyone I know. You may see me as some nice person but I ruin people. That night when I saw you at the bar I was going their not only because I was lonely, but I fucked someone over because I cheated on them an I just wanted to drink myself to death but, I didn't cause you stopped me from doing that. I ruined everything again cause I couldn't help myself to touch you and kiss you.* One part of the note is scratched out but I can still read it. *I still can't resist it but that's me with every attractive person I see, not even Ruby knows I'm a sex addict. Every time I saw her I wanted to fuck her too and feel her even when she was with you, even you two at the same time. Anyways, I'm just a fuck up, druggie and a sex addict. I want to get out of here so I don't cause any more pain to anyone I meet and I can't control myself. From, Madison* and the note ends. I try calling her again but her phone is still off.

" Madison, Allie?" I hear Ruby yell through the home and I run out of the room in tears, afraid and hug Ruby.

" What, what. What happened?!" Ruby asks in panic.

" She isn't here, there's a needle with heroin next to it and she left this note for me in the trash" I say and hand her the note the note the note and she reads it.

" We have to find her Ruby before she does something to herself" I tell her and I feel my body shaking.

" Let me call the cops first so we can report it" Ruby says and I grabbed phone and take it away.

" What if they find her and she freaks out, or they find drugs on her and they take her to jail" I tell Ruby.

" In jail she'll be safe" she says and I let go of her.

" You are being such a bitch right now. Jail isn't a new therapy house, people can't die or get hurt their, and she can still kill herself and find drugs that can potentially kill her too Ruby" I say and I use her out of the way and starting walking to my car.

" Allie wait, I'm sorry. Take my car cause she might come back. Plus she doesn't know how your car looks and she might drive away if she sees mine." I stop and start walking back.

" Why are you acting like this Ruby, it's like you don't even fucking care that someone's life is in danger and your just standing their not giving a fuck." I say through my teeth.

" I do care, I just don't know how to act during this. I'm freaking out on the inside too and I'm tearing myself to death because this is also my fault after I sent her the text saying she ruined my life" she says in a low pain wrenched voice.

" Why did you even say that when I told you that you guys have to be friends" I ask her trying to pull myself together.

" Because I'm stupid and I'm just... I'm just stupid and selfish" she says and I hear the tears coming out.

" Come into your car I'll drive" I say putting my arm on her back and leading her. I jump into the car and start driving around the area and I remember the bar.

" I'm going to go to the bar where she picked me up at, they might've saw her their" I say making a U-turn.

" I hope we find her" Ruby says as she wipes her face and I nod my head and the anxiety keeps killing me.

( I'm back guys after who knows how long. Sorry for this sad chapter, I was listening to some podcasts and it made me want to write something similar to it. I love you guys for wanting me to keep writing. I thank you for all those reads and votes and comments. Keep commenting and voting though because it makes me know you guys like reading this)

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