18- Sparks and Sunsets

Start from the beginning


"Or I won't show you any of my designs," I pouted and she inclined her head, waiting for me to give her the summary of 'Gorgon's Blood'. Apprehension crawled up my spine and I swallowed. It wasn't everyday that you have to talk about your book and there was a voice at the back of my mind that told me everything about it was complete trash..

"OK well, it's a fantasy book about a girl called Lina who goes to Greece for the celebration of the summer solstice. Her grandmother is Greek so she goes there pretty often." I began, fiddling with my jumper strings. "Lina is strolling through a nearby garden one night when she gets kidnapped by the three Greek Gorgons- Medusa, Stheno and Euryale. She later finds out that Medusa has risen from the Greek version of hell- Tartarus- and wants Lina to carry out the dirty work in order for Medusa to have her revenge. Lina has to put an end to the gods, which is pretty much impossible but Lina also has to find out why Medusa wants her help."

Love looked at me for a few seconds and anxiety bubbled up in my chest.


"Has buttcrack become one of your crutch words?" I snorted.

"Hell yes fellow buttcrack."

"I understand."

We stayed silent for a bit, looking out of the window. Rowdy conversations from the people at the back travelled all the way to the front and Love started sniggering all of a sudden. I gave her a puzzled look.

"Kaydence is telling off Savannah because she's not wearing Converse," she whispered. "I can't believe I was friends with such a buttcrack."

I gave her a small smile and we continued chatting. I had never really realised how much I had compared her to the popular girl stereotype on TV until we full on started talking and I felt the guilt wash over my brain. Love was far from that dumb, over-used cliche- she was so much more than that. People never really fathom that beneath the shell, there's a real, genuine and funny person, despite being classed as a "popular girl" and I can shamefully admit that I was one of those people. There was a reason so many people at school liked Love and that was because she earned their respect. She wasn't one of those snobby girls that went around and judged everyone, she was nice and made polite conversation with them. Popularity doesn't always mean being a notorious topic, it can mean being respected for the respect you showed to people which was exactly what separated Love from the other popular mean girls.

She was funny, humble, sweet but most of all- authentic. I had never met anyone else in my life that admitted to their mistakes so easily and genuinely and to be honest, it was a refresher from the lies and excuses I had heard during the last fourteen years.

By the end of that tedious coach ride, we had both found out so much about each other that it could've passed that we'd known each other for years. She'd told me stories about getting involved with languages, people she'd helped learn English and the fun lessons and games she'd experienced with them.

"Kaie Rebane. You know her?" Love questioned once we were outside on the large field, collecting our baggage.

"Yeah. The girl that won that Science award last year. She's Estonian, isn't she?"

"That's her. She's currently in Year 11 but didn't know any English when she started in our school two years ago. I was the one that helped her learn English, along with a few other people and teachers, and look where she is now."

"Do you know how to speak Estonian then?"

"I only know a tiny bit but that's because Kaie taught me some. It was a struggle to communicate at the start but we're good friends. Languages are a beautiful thing, aren't they? I just find something so unique in each one of them that it warms my heart." she smiled to her self.

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