Chapter 12

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Simons POV

The police had some news of where Autumn could be. I was so excited to see her again. But I had a bad feeling that she was dead.

The was a knock at the door so I got up and opened the door to reveal the police.

"Hello Mr Minter"


"We now know the whereabouts of Autumn Young, would you like to come with us" they informed me.

"Yes please, hang on let me get some of my friends"

"Ok but be quick" they said harshly.

I ran up the stairs and into JJ's room where all the boys were.

"Yo boys they've found Autumn lets go" I say quickly.

They all had shocked expressions on there faces. They got up and followed me down stairs to where the police were.

Me and all the boys got into my car we followed the police car to this big warehouse. We all get out of the cars and the police go first into the ware house.

We all hear shouting so we quickly go inside and see a huge corridor with loads of doors. All the boys follow the police but I see a door that's tucked away around the corner.

I start to walk towards the door and I hear rustling inside. I put my hand on the door knob and turn it. I open the door and see none other Autumn. She's so pale and skinny, her hands are tied above her head. She notices me and we make eye contact for a few seconds before I walk towards her.

Autumns POV

I can't believe he found me.

He starts to walk towards me and a tear rolls down my face, Simon wipes it away with his thumb before untying my hand.

I immediately fall into Simons arms. A tear rolls down my hit cheek and Simon noticed.

"Hey, hey, hey it's going to be ok. Don't worry." He soothes

I can't speak, my mouths too dry so I just nod.

I then start to nod off and then it just goes black, I hear muffled voices before everything stops.


Dun dun dun


Hope you enjoy it.

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