Chapter 31

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1 year later.

Autumns POV

I can officially announce that I will be Autumn Minter tomorrow. I honestly cannot wait I'm so happy.

The video that me and Simon filmed of us coming out went amazing, I couldn't ask for anything better.


I plod down stairs to get some breakfast when I'm stopped by Tobi. I look up at Tobi and give a strand look.

"Erm sorry for this but can I bring a friend with me to the wedding?" he asks nervously.

"Is this a lady friend?" I ask smirking.

"Maybe.... fine yes, yes it is I started dating her a couple of weeks back"

"Then yes it's fine I can't wait to meet her."

"Thank you so much, she should be coming round today, I asked Simon and he said it's ok."

"Yeah that's good can't wait."

I walked into the kitchen and got some cereal, just then an arm snaked around my waist. I turned around and cuddled into their chest.

"You ok?" Simon asks.

"Yeah I'm fine, you?" I ask back.

"Yeah I'm good, can't wait for tomorrow though, oh and by the way I'm staying the night at Freya's because well tomorrow's the wedding"

"Yeah ok that's fine" he says before walking out.

Freya and I had actually grown quite close over these past couple of months, she's like a sister I never had.

My life is finally picking up now


Only a few more chapter left, but I am working on another one called Alone so make sure you look out on that.

Oh and before I forget Tobi's girlfriend in this is Emily_Grey20 make sure you go check her out.

And once again thank you guys for supporting this book so much.


Goooood byyyyeee

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