Chapter 11

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Autumns POV

My step mum

What the hell was she doing here I thought she was in prison.

"Oi you brat, thought that'd be the last of me, well you were wrong" she sniggered then hit me in the eye with her hand.

I let out a scream and she hit me once again before leaving the room.

Please come Simon please.

Simons POV

The police haven't been a help much but the boys have tried to lift up my spirits but I'm just not happy. I want her back so much.

"Yo Simon wanna film a video after school" JJ said barging through my door.

"Yeah sure why not" I reply.

Schools going to be so long.

Time skip coz I'm lazy #sorrynotsorry.

Autumns POV

It's been about a week now to be honest I've lost track and I'm so weak I can't handle it any more.

Day in day out I get hit, battered and I just want to get out. I'm so thin and I can't handle life.


I then heard a lot of shouting out of no where. Then the door opened to reveal the only one and only.

Simon Minter

Gosh how I've missed that boy.


Sorry it's so short.

Hope you like it though

Goooood byyyyeee

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