Chapter 55/Buda and Pest

Start from the beginning

There was a buzzing at the door and it unlocked.

We walked into the hall way, tiled floors with a simple pattern in browns. Before us was a staircase wrapped around an old iron elevator. As we walked up the stairs the middle of each marble step sagged with the millions of treads of people walking up the steps for generations. We trooped up. The ceiling had complex ornate decoration. His apartment door was unlocked and we entered.

"What's he here for?" said Zhickararie nodding at Dante.

"Well I said I was going to Budpest and he was all 'I've never seen a pest budaed before can I come, me me' and I didn't want to disappoint him." I said

"Plus I she promised afterward we could dress up as Selene and Michael Corvin from Underworld and we would run around shooting stuff." said Dante looking around at all the art on the walls.

"Yes" I added "I have my Michael Corvin costume on right now didn't you notice?"

"Funny" said Zhickararie.

I looked around his appartment. It was full of master piece porn, a real temple to those to preferred to free base oil paint by old masters. Which is a back handed way of saying it was full of choice artworks. I got the feeling this wasn't Zhickararie's pad it was old master tasetful.

"We have what you want." I began "but I thought I would give you a chance to reconsider. You put those videos on the internet your shaming a nice girl. You took advantage of her ignorance. She did things which most girls would not, even if they were limber enough to do so. She trusted you and you twisted that trust to your advantage. Plus it's mildly against the law.."

"That was fun. I'm going to miss her her and her dumb ass. Oh and technically there are no revenge porn laws in Hungry." said Zhickararie smiling sitting down.

He was right, given he was borrowing this flat it made me think the link up with Io was deliberate, plus Zhickararie wasn't the kind of guy to check on something before doing it. This felt like he was doing this on orders of someone like Don Kipperbatch. The black mail over revenge porn was dumb enough and class-less-ness to be Zhickararie's idea.

I walked around the room finally having a closer look at some of the things in the room I was familiar with from Zhickararie and Io's sex tapes. The large painting of some general on a horse; There was a highly polished banana in steel by a robot artist, supposed it make references to time by being in the form of something so temporary and yet now so permanent. It was made by the robot artist calling it's self simply 'the robot formally known as artist'. The-robot-formally-know-as-artist was quite well known one of the more famous robot artists who had won the Turner prize for att.

I walked over to the Casey Young artwork the one I had already given him. It was on, another collection of iPhones all artfully arranged forming a complex pattern. Each running it's own program taking the inputs of each camera and processing it giving a fly's eye view of the world.

"I thought having your own Casey Young would be enough" I said back to Zhickararie now.

Zhickararie "It's nice but not his best work. Your's is better, any way, Why have one when I can have two?"

I turned round and sat on deep rich red leather sofa opposite Zhickararie. Zhickararie sat on a matching one. It was familiar from his black mail tape with Io, I was glad I wasn't sitting on it.

"I thought you would keep the first one it was a special commission" I said.

"I am keeping it. Why are you wasting time?" said Zhickararie,

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