Chapter 19/Of all the people in all the world you had to walk into my math class

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/Earth/North America/Boston/Harvard

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My lunch time dose of weirdness was as nothing to my first class of the afternoon. I walked down the halls to what my earrings promised to be the Actual Maths class. I walked into the class to find an educational robot at the front of the class before a blackboard. Sitting in the first row of the lecture theatre was dominatrix-girl. She didn't sit like a bad girl might, she was upright and had a slightly more military pose. Someone should explain to her that Math didn't make you look cool, perhaps this was some weird, I'm so cool I do uncool things to show how hip I am, thing.  Next to her was her robot minder. The minder robot looked a bit round, beat up, the kind of robot you had on loan, it was dented scratched and graffitied. It was more of the kind of robot you hired or brought out of storage to untwist the top off stuck jam jars and promptly put back. You had a feeling it still could run any windows 10 program you had.

I deliberately sat down next to dominatrix-girl in on the front row. I had a quixotic smile on my face. It's my best smiled. 

"Hi I don't know if you remember me, I'm Scarlett." I said deliberately offering my hand and resisting putting 'mistress' at the end of the sentence. Dominatrix girl kept looking forward ignoring me. I decided to leave my hand out. These earth girls are easy to freak out.

The robot on dominatrix girls side spoke in audible binary. It was like those old modems you heard in museums. Dominatrix girl kept her head looking forwards and turned her eyes to the robot. She replied in perfect machine tongue.

I was slightly freaked out by this. At first, I thought she was an android, which made even less sense than could rightly be made. There are times when things just never make sense, for example the plot of matrix revolutions , the ending of Sky Captain or Taylor swift's song love Story 'Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter, and my daddy said stay away from Juliet'. This was one of those times when you needed a famous detective to come and explain it for you.

I wondered if the girl was an android here as some kind of way of making up the class numbers. We had five minutes before the class started and I was the only one. Perhaps the dominatrix girl was there as some kind of experimental classmate? If she was trying to be a human she was doing a lousy job, a showroom dummy would have been more successful and moved more realistically. I looked at her, there was something of the robot to her. Under all the makeup I think she had a nice face. Then I realised the make-up was identical to that of a model I had seen in an advert for some perfume. I know this seems very poor logic for a maths class, but I felt she had to be somehow human because an android - a robot in human shape - would do a much more professional job of being human. Oh and as you have probably guessed, she was my up door neighbour definitely not a robot thing. So unless she was a robot sent to freak me out I think she had to be human. 

"You should touch her back," said the robot to Dominatrix girl.

Dominatrix girl used her index finger to touch my out stretched hand and went back.

"Wait" said the robot to the dominatrix-girl. The machine picked up a tablet computer and called up a YouTube video of two people shaking hands.

"So nice to meet you finally," said the figure on the Youtube video.

The girl made a slight warbling raspberry noise and watching the video tried to copy the act with me. She used her wrong hand and I pointed at the right one.

"Use this hand," I said.

Dominatrix-girl now turned fully to me and shook my hand like the video.

"So nice to meet you finally" she said.

Once finished she turned back to looking straight ahead and ignoring me.

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