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When I got home I realized I was alone, no not alone as in no one was home. But alone in no best friend wait no friends at all Jaime was dead Tony will never talk to me Kell he wants nothing to do with me, and Mike hates the very ground I walk on. I had no one except one person my dad my real dad. I picked up my phone and dialed the number that I knew so well but I never called.
My dad left my mom and I when I was 11 I kinda hated him for leaving at first until I found out he left cause my mom was cheating on him with my step dad so then I left her and stayed with him but the month I stayed with him I hated it. He never hit me or anything but he does hard drugs. I tried coke for the first time at his house. His other son my step brother Ronnie got me addicted to it. He is also the first guy I kissed. Ronnie and kept in contact but I never told my mom Jaime or anyone cause Ron is a wreck a fucking drop out and druggy but he has had my back whenever I needed him. And plus he watched over dad for me, keeping me updated in current events at my dad's. They are the only people i have right now and desperate times cause for desperate measures.
The phone Begun to ring on the third ring my dad answered.
Him:oh my Vic it's been a while.
Me:I know dad but I really really need you guys right now....can I crash on your couch I have money for rent and my food and when I get there I can find a job.
Him: Vic I don't know if your mom will be okay with that.
Me: dad I'll be 18 in less than a month then she can't control me. I have no one dad my best friend was.....killed and all my other friends won't talk to me...... please dad.
Him:*long pause* okay you can come you won't have to pay rent just use your money on yourself. Ron and I will be happy to see you.
Me: yelps thank you thank you thank you you won't regret this.
Him: but tell your can do it after you get here but just tell him.
Me: I will. I'm driving up there okay.
Him: drive careful see you son.
Then we hung up the phone. I ran up to my room packing everything I can take into two duffle bags and I grabbed the shoe box from my closet getting my shoe box opening it reveals a bundle of money about 5 thousands dollars and a hand gun and bullets. I dumped all that in a separate hand bag. After I packed everything and took it to my car I ran back in the house to the kitchen and wrote a note stating that 'I'm leaving I'll be okay don't call the cops because I'll run away again plus I'm almost 18 so I can do whatever I want. I'll call asap xoxoxo -vic'.
I got in my car and starting driving to Washington. Bye Cali nice knowing you.

I rolled over in bed and realized Tony and i were in bed together. He must've gotten hot last night since he was shirtless. He looks so perfect when he sleeps the way his chest moves when he breathes in and out the way his eyeball move behind his eye lids. The way his hair was tossed all over it was all adorable. I can't believe that he is mine. I leaned over gently kissing his neck he moved slightly so I kisses it again that time he woke up I saw he take a peek at me before he began to smile and make a humming noise. "Good morning" I said wrapping my arms around his waist. " Morning beautiful" he replied I felt my heart flutter when he called me beautiful. I kissed him softly and he deepened the kiss. "I love you" he said with a smile. "I love you too" I said my heart fluttered even more when he said that. It was a moment of silence between us. "Hey Mike" he said pulling me out of lala land. Looked over at him. "Marry me" he said catching me off guard "wait what" I said looking at him with a confused look. "I love you you love me so let's get married." He said I looked at him shocked I do love him but we are so young. "But you don't even have a ring" I said. He smirked and pulled a silver ring band out of his pocket it was simple and it had M&T carved into it. "Please babe I wanna be with you forever." He added with puppy dog eyes. I hesitated before slowly nodding yes. Then we did a small hooray dance with lots of hugs and kisses. "Mrs. Perry" he said with a smile sliding the ring on my finger perfect fit by the way. "Hey who said I'm the wife in this." Said acting offended. "Because you got the bigger butt" he added smacking my ass then pulling me on top of him and kissing me. I honestly can't believe I'm marring the man of my dreams.

The plot twist will be soon....real soon.

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