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Mike's POV
I felt lifeless as I laid in that cold hospital bed. I knew these were my last moments. I could hear everything surrounding me the sound of the life support machine being turned off. I hear my family and friends weep as they thought of my last moments on earth. As the machine finally clicked off a new life for me begun. What was then a bright white light turned dark as night. I took my last breath then all of a sudden I felt a hard thud in my chest as my heart begun to beat once more. I gasped for as my body gained air once again causing my body to be thrown up and I begun to cough causing my throat to grow sore.

I felt a sharp pain in my head and I laid back. Finally able to open my eyes looking around at the shocked teary eyes of my friends and family. But the only person I can look at is Vic his eyes was dry and he had fear in his eyes. I was able to force a smirk at him. His eyes grew large he knew that I know what he did I could read it on his face.

Vic's POV
When I saw that mike came alive I felt chills run down my spin. I was scared shitless shall I say. I looked over at Jaime who was as shocked and scared as me. I looked at mike who was staring straight at me not blinking at all. Then he gave me this simi evil smirk that was covered by his mom dad and my mom rushing over to hug him. I looked at Jaime "did you see the way he looked at you" Jaime whispered. I kind of zoned out and ignored him. "Do you think he knows" Jaime asked looking at me with a scared look. I looked back and shook my head. "No".

Kellins POV
I thought I had lost my best friend even though we hadn't talked in weeks I still had a connection with him. I had a lot if regrets the argument with him the not being there when he needed me everything. I love him. When he came back to life I felt a weight being lifted. But something was strange I know Vic and tony was the last to see him but when he was admitted to the hospital Vic and Jaime was in Jaime's car in a dark ally near the hospital. Also during this whole thing Vic and Jaime was real quite and didn't look sad. But when mike came back to life they didn't look happy no tears of joy but like guilt. There was a quick glance between Vic and mike where mike smirk at him then Jaime and Vic begun to whisper amongst themselves. Then all of a sudden the decided to leave the room Jaime walked pass me first purposely bumping into me then vic walked past our eyes locked and I saw sorry on his face. I kind of hurt me. I love Vic but I will not allow him to hit me.

Hold On Till May.(COMPLETE)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu