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Im starting to go fucking insane in this hell hole. I'm innocent but seem that no one believes me. Why cause a rich spoil brat told the cops that I raped him and I tried to kill the love of my life. Most days behind I bars I just sit and cry, or go work out, sometimes I write poetry but I mostly throw the poetry away. I cant have these guys thinking I'm a weak punk. Even though I am weak. I miss my mom who won't even talk to me. I miss my friends but mostly I mike. He literally became the only reason I live. I made this mess I shouldve cut thing off with Vic. You know what things with Vic should've never started.
Suddenly I heard the police keys rattle at my door I sat up from the hard bed and rushed over to the door. "Perry you have a visitor" the officer said turning me around to cuff me. Thats one thing I hate about gotta be cuffed everywhere you go. Like seriously the whole jail is surrounded with big guys with guns where am I going to run to. When I arrived at the visitation room I saw three people through the glass I couldnt see their faces cause their backs where towards me but I could tell kellins short self from anywhere so I know when kellin is around mike is near and the other guy has to be oli. Yep its him I can tell by them worn out vanns he wore everywhere.
The officer open the door unlocking my cuffs an pushing me in. "Hey guys" I said catching their attention. First thing I notice was mike had a cast on his right arm and a small one on his left ring finger both eyes were swollen and red and glossy like he been crying but he was still beautiful as ever. "Tony" mike said with a relived tone to his voice he quickly got up and wrapped his arms around my shoulders and he kissed my lips gently. I guess the officer got enough of our love fest and said "perry tell your guest to sit down and keep his hand to himself." Then he went back to reading his sport illustrated magazine. I sighed and mike and I sat down next to each other.
Kellin mike and I were at the jail visiting tony. Mike and tony sat on one side of the table kellin on the other side. Kellin discretely slid his hand into mine and locking them. Oh yeah kellin and I have been secretly dating every since him and Vic broke up. He has even been staying at my house. The only reason we kept it a secret is cause I'm not open yet to my family or anyone but mostly cause I don't want any shit from Vic you see what he did to mike and tony and they are his brother and best friend. No telling what he'll do to me he already hates me from some shit that happened in 6th grade. Who knows he might still like kellin. I don't wanna be next.
Kellin quickly looked over at me his green eyes glared in the sunlight and his smile warmed me.  We snapped out of out daze when mike started talking. "Okay so did Jaime come visit you" mike asked tony. Tony nodded. "Just one question babe please tell me the truth" mike said tony looked up at him like telling him to go on. "Did you and Vic ever you know..." Mike said and looking at tony actually we all was looking at the now uncomfortable tony. He sunk down in his chair he buried his head in his hands like a turtle hiding in his shell I'm sure he wanted to disappear. "Tony....OHH MY GOD" mike begun to cry. And he gripped mike waist begging him to stay. "We are going to give you two a minute" kellin announced and we got up and left.
I'm glad we got out of there honestly I hate watching grown men cry its weird. Except kellin if he needs to cry he can on my shoulder I'll hold him all night if needed. As soon as we got in car kellin was in my lap straddling my waist. I loved that he was so small and those thick thighs and nice bottom. Oh my gahhh. We begun to make out gripping his waist he pulled the lever making my seat lean back. He paused for a moment and he looked down into my eyes."I love you oli" he said with breathless tone. I smiled and gripped the back of his neck gripping hair as well. "I love you kills. He was grinding on my waist the whole time and my little oli snake started singing if you know what I mean. "Fuck" I said at a whisper when I saw mike walking through the door. "You're getting it when we get home" I said and kellin smirked climbing over into the back seat I smacked his little round bum as he crawled over the seat. I sat my seat back into the original position just as mike got into the car.
"Everything okay" kellin asked him as he shut the car door. Mike nodded."I'm just tired " he said. And we drove off to mikes house. Fuck is hard to drive with a boner I  mike doesn't see I don't wanna explain this.

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