Submissive III.

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"What did I say? Hm?" His grip got tighter. "You just don't listen."

"I-I'm sorry!" He pulled me back closer to his body. "I do listen, I promise."

"And promises are meant to be broken, are they not?"

"Daddy, please-"

"Ah ah, no back talk." He wagged his finger at me. My scalp started to burn. "You're just askin' for it, huh?" He let my hair go and pushed me onto my back against the mattress. "You deserve all of this. Understood? No safe words."

"Yes Daddy."

"Good girl." He pecked my lips. He lifted my legs up over his shoulders and entered me again. I buttoned my lips to keep from crying out. "Scream for me babe."

"But you said not to."

He thrusted harshly into me. "I know what I said, but I'm telling you now to do the opposite." His hands crept around my throat.

Well alright.

"Daddy!" I moaned repeatedly. "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!"

He threw his head back and yelled loudly in pleasure. "Fuck."

I clawed and scratched at his chest and biceps that were infront of me. I peered at his face. Even when he's "punishing" me he still looks like a Greek god.

I felt the bundle of euphoria bubbling inside me. "Daddy," I panted. "I'm almost there."

"Oh yeah?" He smirked. He had me exactly where I wanted. "Wait a second." He pulled out again.

He stood and grabbed the foreign object from the nightstand. He placed it in his hand and held it out to show me.

It was... a button?

"What's that for?" I asked, slightly irritated that my orgasm is washing away.

"It's basically a vibrator that is one-fourth the size of a normal one and at least three times the power. This thing," He examined it. "packs a serious punch."

"And you're gonna do what?"

"Put it on you like this." He gently pressed it to my clit and turned it on, shooting vibrations through my whole body.

I nodded as my eyes rolled to the back of my head. The bundle in me came back quickly, my legs shaking.

"Hey!" He scolded. "Look at me."

I tried to focus my blurring vision on his frame hovered over me. One of his hands was pumping himself and the other was on the tool inbetween my legs.

My mind got cloudy and my voice was gone as I moaned out loudly. "I'm gonna cum."

"Are you?" He chided and pressed the machine harder to my body. "Hold it."

"What? I can't!"

"You can. And you will."

My hips bucked and my legs shook and my eyes rolled so far to the back of my head I thought I would see my brain.

I knew what he was trying to get me to do and I wasn't having it.

Yes, it felt great and it was the highest level of euphoria, but I don't like cleaning it. I'm lazy and that's too much work.

He started to move the machine in circular motions. "Holy fuck," I cried.

"Feels good?"

"Yes. S-So good." Tears of pleasure clouded my sight. "I can't hold it anymore."

"Are you gonna listen from now on?"

"Yes D-Daddy!"

"You're gonna stop being a bitch to me? You know I don't like that shit."

I moaned in response. I couldn't trust myself to form a coherent sentence so I nodded.

He slapped the back of my thigh harshly. "Answer!"


"Good girl." Not removing his hand from the button, he scooped me up with his other arm and layed my head on his shoulder. He applied more pressure. He pressed on the front of my saccrum, the body part connected to my bladder with his other hand. "You can release, love."

I turned my head and bit his shoulder as I ejaculated. I think it sprayed all over the bed and floor. I wouldn't know for sure because my vision blacked out.

"Fuck babe." He groaned before pumping himself to a release.

He took the button of my sensitive area and rubbed the spot gently with his fingers. My legs bucked and slammed shut, which he opened back up and continued a couple more times before stopping completely. "Look at you, honey. Look what you did."

"Did what?" My now spent voice panted as my eyes closed in bliss.

"You squirted everywhere!"


"You're a dirty girl, huh?" I nodded and cuddled into his chest. He kissed my temple. "You know I love you, right?"


"And you pissed me off."

"I know." I kissed his chin. "I'm sorry."

"The next time I say, '[Y/N], get me extra Polynesian sauce at Chic-fil-A' and you don't, you better not be wondering why I put yo' ass to bed."

"Okay, pause." I held my hand up. "You need to say please next time nigga."

"All I'm sayin' is that my chicken tenders were dry as hell and it was your fault."

He picked me up bridal style and carried me into the guest room and peeled the covers back. He set me in the bed and tucked me in before walking to the door. I grabbed his hand. "I'll be back. I'm gonna go and put the sheets in the wash." I shook my head no. "We can cuddle when I get back okay?"


I turned over and closed my eyes. Justin came back about ten minutes later and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I love you baby."

He kissed my lips passionately. "I love you too Daddy."

ta da!
how was that guys?
any other (preferably not smutty) requests? i'm working on personals, but it's gonna take me a bit longer because i want them to be absolutely perfect for all of you.
don't forget I DO TAKE REQUESTS!
INBOX ME if you'd like one and i'll get on that.
and as always... stay awesome possums :)

Justin Bieber ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora