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"good morning.." my eyes fluttered open to see justin looking down at me with a smile.

"hm, good morning." i replied back, stretching my arms.

"you sleep good?"

"mhm." he laid his head back on his pillow and turned his head to me.

"you sore?"

i giggled. "just a little."

he fist pumped the air as he exclaimed, "i'm the man!"

"sure." i rolled my eyes playfully and rolled out of the bed with the sheet wrapped around me. "well, i'm gonna go and take a shower."

"wait," he grabbed my hand. "what do you need the sheet for?"

"nothing. it's just a bit breezy."

"but you're just walking to the bathroom."

"yeah but-"

"you nervous about all the hickies you have? it's okay, they're probably not that bad." he snickered.

i laughed slightly. "alright then."

walking into the bathroom, i closed and locked the door behind me before turning on the shower. dropping the queen size sheet, i set a foot in as justin rapped lightly on the door. "baby?" he turned the locked doorknob. "baby open the door."

i cracked the door and looked at him. "what?"

"lemme in." he pointed to the toilet. "i need to pee."

"can't you use the-"

"no time for conversation! i need to go now." he pushed in the door so his body can push through into the bathroom.

i quickly got into the shower and began to wash my face and body before justin yanked the shower door open and stepped in. "justin! what the hell are you doing?" i covered myself as best as i could.

he raised a bushy eyebrow. "no, i think the question is: what are you doing?"

"taking a shower.."

"yeah, no. i mean what's been up with you lately? you used to be different."


"don't lie to me."

"i'm not lying-"

"yes you are! y/n you're covering your body right now while i'm standing here as if we didn't have sex last night." he sighed. "i noticed changes in you and i just want to make sure you're alright."

"yeah." i turned as little as possible to turn the shower water off. i reached for my towel and wrapped it around myself. "i'm fine."

he grabbed a towel for himself. "no you're not. i can see right through you."

i walked back into he and i's bedroom and put on a pair of boyshorts and a matching bra before grabbing my scented lotion and beginning to rub it on my skin.

he rubbed his freshly shaven face as he stared at me from the bathroom door. "are you mad at me or something?"

"no, justin. i'm fine." i grabbed a hoodie from my closet. "why would something be wrong?"

"look at what you're doing!" i looked around at the sudden raise of his voice. "you haven't been letting me cuddle with you or hold you at night, you don't change your clothes or get dressed in front of me, and the clothes you do wear are always baggy and long! what happened?"

"what happened?" i clenched my jaw and shook my head as a tear rolled down my cheek. i wiped it away before he could see it. "i learned that you expect me to walk around here with booty shorts and crop tops and i can't do that."

"i don't understand."

i sat down on the bed and put my hands in my hoodie. he stood over me with his arms folded and his brows furrowed. "since you and hailey became friends i feel like i don't belong."

"why not?"

"justin i'm fat!" i cried. "i've gained at least twenty pounds and hoodies and sweatpants are all that can fit me."

"baby you're not fat."

"wake up, will you? before you left, i couldn't even finish a salad. but now i can put down a large pizza and a 2-liter of coke in thirty minutes."

he looked at me funny.

"long story short, i'm not like the models you hang out with. i'm not toothpick skinny and i never will be."

he chuckled. "good."


"that's good." he sat down next to me. "do you think i care that you can put down a large pizza and a coke in thirty minutes? nope, i don't." he sighed. "baby believe me when i tell you i never want you to change yourself just because of the people i hang out with."

"but they're skinnier than me."

"so? a lot of the models that i'm friends with wish they had curves like you."

"no they don't."

"yes they do! y/n, listen." he put my face in his hands. "i love you. you're perfect to me no matter how you change. i'm never gonna stop loving you just because you gained a bit of weight. it's just more for me to love."

i chuckled and wiped my face free of tears. "really?"

"yeah!" he grabbed my hand kissed my knuckles. "i love your hands, they're so soft." he then leaned up and kissed my lips. "i love your lips too. i could kiss you all day." he gently pushed me against the bed before removing my hoodie and kissing inbetween my chest. "i love your boobs. a lot."

i giggled at him as he unclasped my bra.

"seriously. they're amazing."  he kissed down my stomach and my sides. "i love your tummy because that's where our baby is gonna live."

"what baby?"

"the baby i'm bouta put in you." he smirked. i shook my head and he butterfly kissed down my thighs. "i absolutely adore your shape." he sat down and stared at me. "you're perfect in everyway possible."

a tear slid down my cheek. "thanks." he pulled me into his lap.

"i love you, y/n."

"i love you too."

hey guys!
it's been a minute since i've updated and to commemorate my birthday coming in two weeks i figured why not update something that wasn't terrible.
as usual, comment what you think and vote!
and can you guys comment and vote some more on past imagines? and not just tell me to update, but actual comments please. i feel like the only comments you guys make are on imagines with sex in them and smut isn't the only thing that's in this book.
so if you could, that'd be great.


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