Dance Partner.

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just something quick before you read (don't worry, this matters): this imagine references the above (or side) video, use the snippet with kaelynn harris (the first one with the two dudes; the dude on the left is who i'm using) okay enjoy loves :)

"I miss you Justin." I said with a sad smile. "When will you come home?"

"Not for a while, Babygirl. I really wish I could take a break and just relax at home with you, but right now that's not possible okay?" he sighed.

I nodded as my eyes filled with tears. "Yeah. Yeah, don't worry about me. I'll be fine."


"Just forget it. I'm not dissing your job or anything but you make it so hard for me to really want this."

"And what exactly is 'this'?"

"This! Us! When you're gone and I miss you, I can't call or see you because you're working. But when you're here, all we do is scream at each other! I'm sick of it."

"Well I'm sorry I can't use my jet to fly back and forth so that your ungrateful ass can be happy."

"Don't you dare do that. Who're you calling ungrateful?"

"You! Everything I do for you is out of the love and kindness of my heart to show you how much you mean to me. All the gifts I buy and places I take you when I'm not on tour are to show you that when I'm gone, I'm just as busy missing you as I am making music."

"Justin... I-"

"Forget it. Forget I said anything, forget I even fucking called you. I just wanted call and tell you that I loved you and that I hoped you have a good day.. but fuck that. I've got better shit to do." then he hung up.

"Are you kidding me?" I whispered in frustration. "This nigga hung up on me."

"Hey Will." I smiled as I walked into the studio.

"Y/N! What's up?" Will replied, giving me a hug. Will, or professionally WillDaBeast Adams, is one of the best choreographers in Los Angeles. I'm lucky to have been dancing with his company for as long as I have because we've become quite known to musicians looking for backup dancers.

"Nothin' much, we're just going over the Beyoncé choreography. Find yourself a spot in the front because you're helping me demo."

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Of course I am."

"..and five, six, seven, eight!"

I went over the movement over and over in my head as I did the steps. When we finished, Will told the rest of the dancers to do four laps around the building before coming in and taking a break.

He called me up to the front of the room. "Wassup with you today?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" I replied dumbfoundedly. (a/n: no typing lyrics)

"You did great, don't get me wrong, but you were still off by a couple of seconds. What happened?"

"Oh. It's just.." I thought about it. "A lot's going on right now."

Justin Bieber ImaginesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora