Submissive II.

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 yeah 🆗👌🏽)

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*"But I-"

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"But I-"

"I don't care what you have to say." He replied as he removed his jeans and threw them across the room. "This is your punishment, and you'll take it whether you like it or not."

"Justin please." I whined. "You want me to say it? Fine. You were right! Always have been; I shouldn't have disobeyed you. I'm sorry."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "You really think a shit apology is gonna stop me babygirl? Oh no. I mean it when I say I'm gonna destroy you." He hovered over me in his Calvin Klein boxers that had a prominent bulge in the center. "Do we need to go over the rules?"

I shook my head. I don't need to go over any rules, I came with up them.

"Oh, I think we do."

Hmph. Fine.

"Number one: no back talk. I've already let it slide too many times, but not from here on out. Number two," he grabbed the vibrator he'd set on the bedside table. "you don't come. Not until I say so. No if's, and's or but's about it. And number three," he removed his boxers. "use the correct wording to address me. You will call me 'Daddy' or 'Sir'. Nothing inbetween. And with these rules, you will be punished for every time you disobey them. Understood?"

I nodded.

He grabbed my jaw. "Speak."

"Yes sir."

"Now I'm not gonna ask again. Open your mouth."

I obliged this time. I opened my mouth wide for him and he easily slid into my mouth with a loud groan. His tip his the back of my throat and I gagged a little but obviously he didn't care because he kept going. "Fuck." he moaned out loud.

He started to fuck my mouth relentlessly. His hands were tangled in my hair and pulling and his head thrown back as he continuously pushed in my mouth. He pulled out and grabbed a pair of scissors.

He cut the fabric of my silk shorts off my body. "You know good and damn well that you have no business to wear this shit." He yanked my underwear off too. "Where did you get these pajamas?"

"I-I bought them online, sir." I responded with a slight cough. My mouth watered as he walked around in the nude and completely erect. "They were on sale."

"But did I permit you to buy them?"

I shook my head. "No sir, you didn't."

"Hm. Does this call for a pubishment?"

My eyes widened. "No!" I exclaimed. "I didn't do anything! I was just treating myself, I don't deserve to be punished!"

"You do now." He smirked. "I think I clearly stated, no back talk." he grabbed the handcuff key and untied my wrists before sitting on the bed and pulling my body into his naked lap.

"But I-"

"But nothing." He bent me over his thighs. "You will be spanked fifteen times, and you will count and thank me each time. If you lose count or do not thank me, I will start over and add five more. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir."

"Begin." He spanked me.

"One. Thank you Daddy!"

Again, he spanked me. This time a bit harder. "Two. Thank you Daddy!"

Each time he spanked me, it was harder than the one previous. By now tears were brimming my eyes and I know my butt was completely covered in red handprints. "Thirteen!" I exclaimed. "Thank you Daddy!"

"Keep going."

He spanked me again. That one really hurt. I screamed. "Fourteen!" Tears streamed down my face and my voice was choked. "T-Thank you Daddy!"

For a final time, he spanked me. And I was grateful because I knew if he'd kept going my bottom was going to be raw for days. "F-Fifteen! T-Thank you Daddy!"

He rubbed my bum cheeks with his hands and I whimpered as tears silently flowed from my eyes. "You did so good, babe." he mumbled. He got the cooling cream from the drawer and sqeezed some in his hand before applying some to my bum.

I whined quietly.

He lifted me back up to straddle his lap. I managed not to sit on my behind but on my knees. He wiped my tears away with his thumbs. "Have you learned your lesson?" He asked quietly.

"Yes Daddy."

"Good girl. Lay on the bed with your ass in the air." He gently pushed me off of him and I got in his instructed position. He grabbed the vibrator in his hand and put it on my thigh.


"Nope. No moaning, either."

He put the vibrator on my clit.

I buttoned my lips and begged my brain to not tell my mouth to moan or scream because I cannot take another spanking. My legs began to vigorously shake and the feeling of euphoria quickly bubbled inside me. "Do you want to come, princess?" He mumbled in my ear.

"Yes Daddy." I strained.

"Well then," he took the vibration away, leaving my lower half with an indescribable tingly feelig. "I guess that'll have to wait."

He shuffled close to me and shoved his hips into mine, forcibly entering me. "Holy fuck," I yelled.

"Did I say you could moan?" he grumbled in my ear, a groan coming after. "Hm? Did I?"

"No Daddy!" I exclaimed in response.

"Hm. So does that mean I get to punish this ass of yours again?"

"No Daddy, please don't!"

He pulled out of me and grabbed the back of my hair to pull me at eye level with him. He didn't pull too hard, so it didn't hurt but I knew what he was doing.

part 3 coming later! :)

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