Crazy II.

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I watched her as she stood in front of me. Naked, bare. That's just how I wanted her.

She had a blindfold over her face - which looks great on her by the way- and he mouth was taped shut. She shook a little against the pole I tied her to, then started to whimper and cry.

I took a sip of my honey mint tea and gave it a stir with a spoon before standing up and sauntering over to her.

"Don't cry," I whispered in her ear. She froze as I wiped her tears away. "I'm going to keep you safe."

She began to cry harder and shake her head rapidly. She tried to talk but they just came out as muffled screams. "Love, I'm not going to hurt you." I cooed to her. "I'm going to be everything you've ever dreamed of. Now, I need you to be still." I slid my fingernail under the duck tape on her lips and began to peel it off as she began to scream. When I got the tape off, she would not shut up.

"Help! Help me!" she shrieked. I'd much rather her scream my name but since we're not there yet I didn't complain.

I took another sip of my tea. Then sat back down and let her scream her little heart out. "The walls are soundproof."

"I don't care." she sobbed. "Let me go!"

She shook and writhed to get her wrists free from the handcuffs and to get her body detatched from the pole, but of no use. "Here's what I'm gonna do. You're going to stop screaming for me to let you go, because I won't. In exchange, I'll take off your blindfold."

"What do you want from me? Money?"

"Nah." I shook my head. "I just... I just love you so much, you know?"

"You love me?" she gasped slightly. "That's insane. You don't know anything about me."

"Is that so, (Your/Full/Name)? You were born January 16, 1995 at 3:12 p.m. in St. Mary's Regional Hospital," I paused to sip my tea again. "Born in New Orleans, Louisiana. Moved to Los Angeles at age seven. Your favorite color is blue, favorite food is anything from Chipotle, and, most importantly, you're a virgin."

"N-No I'm not."

"Well, technically no, seeing as you've been using a vibrator on youself all week."

"How do-"

"-I know that? I've been watching you and paying attention." I stirred my tea, being sure to clang my metal spoon against the ceramic mug because I knew she despised the sound.

"Stop that!" she shrieked. I smirked and moved myself next to her and continued. "Ugh!" she yelled, and resumed her yanking at the handcuffs.

I stopped briefly. "Hey. I said to be quiet or I won't take off the blindfold."

That caused her to cease her movements. "I just want to go home."

"Well now you are home. With me."

"No!" she exclaimed. "I want to go back home to my parents."

"You were going to fall in love with me anyways so why not start early?"

"Because I don't know you."

Hm. Well then.

I removed the blindfold from her tear-stained face and her eyes widened. "Do you know me now?" I smirked.

"Y-You're Jason McCann."

I smiled at the way she said my name. She had so much fear and trauma in her voice. I loved it.

"I am, doll. And now you belong to me."

"No I don't. I don't belong to anyone."

"Do you remember that guy you dated a few years ago?" I asked after a few minutes of her looking down and me staring at her. "What was his name? Michael? Patrick?"

"His name was Harry. Why do you care?" she sneered with a glare.

"Well, from what I remember, he disappeared, right?" I circled her figure.

"Yeah, so?" she trembled more, she knew where I was going with this.

"I killed him." I smiled and laughed a bit. "Annihilated him, actually."

She yanked harder at the pole. "Let me go!" she shrieked as loud as she could.

I gently set my mug on the vanity and grabbed the back of her hair with my hand. "Hey." I spoke sternly. "I kept my end of the bargain, now you need to keep yours."

"No no no no.." she kept repeating to herself. She let out an ungodly scream.

"Shut the hell up!" I yelled back at her, making her cower in fear. "You know what? I'm done being nice." I glanced out the window above that faced away from her, and noticed her family was home. "Since you know who I am, you know what I'm capable of. You'd also know that I don't care who I murder." Her bottom lip shook with each word. "I'm only going to say this once. For each time you yell or scream, I kill a member of your family."

"No please." she whimpered. "I'll do anything, just don't kill them."


I smirked and began to untie her. I placed her gently on the bed and tied her arms and legs to the bedposts. "No. I didn't mean-"

"Shh." I cooed to her and kissed her lips softly. "You'll like it. Trust me."

My hands gripped her hips tightly, but not with brute force. "No. I don't want this."

"Not now of course. But in time, my love, you'll learn to love it."
ta da!
part three?
tell me what you guys thought!

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