46 3 15

What's the difference between school and life?

Well, school teaches you lessons, and then gives you a test.

Life gives you a test, and you learn the lessons.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Hey guys! I'm deciding to spice things up a bit today! I'm going to have a 'Who is Hotter' section! There will be 3 pairs of gorgeous  (in my opinion) men, and I'll ask you to tell me who is hotter in the comments! Here we go, and I hope you enjoy!

Ansel and Matthew: *facepalm* Oh my god.

Me: Hush, oh hot ones*swoons*

Ansel: *Walks off rolling eyes*
Matthew: I don't know why we even bother... *follows Ansel*

Me: *still swooning* Mmmmmmmm...
Oh! Sorry guys! Ha ha. So who is hotter?? Let me know! Now, onto the next pair!

Theo: Oh not this again... *rubs forehead in exasperation*

Sebastian: I'm out! *flips table and walks out of room*

Me: NO COME BACK BEAUTIFUL HUMAN! *dashes dramatically out after him*

*** 15 Minutes Later ***

Me: *Walks back in huffing and puffing* He'll... He'll be back... *cough*

Theo: *rolls eyes*

Anyhoo, onto our next contestants!

Jacob: You're kidding right? 😐😐😐

Jamie: Hell yeah! Ladies, we all know whose the hottest here!

Me: SHOOSH! Let them decide! *fans self with hand*

Jamie: *winking and posing at readers*

Me: You know they can't see you right?

Jamie: *shoves me off my chair* *Still posing* They don't know that.

Me: ...

* * * * * * * * *

Okaaaaay, I can honestly say I think there is something wrong with me. Who agrees? Wait... Don't answer that....

So, who do YOU think is hotter out of each pair? I won't say mine unless you ask, because I won't put myself through that kind of pain unless absolutely necessary (and of course I would class someone asking as absolutely necessary... Idiot... 😒😒😒). I'm thinking of doing a section like this every once and a while. Maybe a 'Would you rather' or 'Truth or Dare', even and interview with the hotties above if you like! If you have any ideas please let me know. If I use it I will dedicate the chapter to you.

Ugh, being so... NORMAL for those 10 seconds was awful!

Ooh! Text message! *Sings Hallelujah*

God damn it! I don't want to talk to you! *throws phone out window, then realises needs it to continue writing and scrambles off the bed and out the window to get it*

Any- *huff* way... Hope you- *coughing fit* enjoyed this- *chokes on air* chapter. See you next time! 👋👋👋👊👊👊

Sebastian: *walks back in carrying pizza*


Sebastian: *slowly backing out of the room*

Everyone else: ATTACK! *pounces on Sebastian and wrestles for the pizza*

I don't know what just happened...

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