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I'm Midnight, the advanced lesson horse at Blue Lake Stables. My lesson girl, Sara, was finally here, she was my favorite. She was always so easy going and never pushed me and her passed our limits. She got all my tack on and we were on our way to the ring. She warmed me up by walking me 5 minutes each way, then 3 minutes trotting each way, then 2 minutes cantering each way. The teacher, Ava, told us to stop and go out of the ring so she can set up the Pinwheel of Death. While she was doing that I smelled a foul stench, it was Sara's dads white stick that goes in his mouth and gives off smoke. I was told by Teddi, the oldest horse in the barn, that there were called cigarettes. Then I saw Tux, the barn dog, bark and scare Sara's dad. He flinched and dropped his cigarette on the wood floor. I neighed really loudly. He started to stomp on it but it was to late, the barn was burning. "SOME ONE GET THE HOSE, NOW!" yelled Ava. Everyone ran inside and put the horses halters on. Then, something I thought wasn't possible happened. The barn just exploded, killing every human and horse in there! Me and Sara turned and saw 2 big red trucks, a police, 4 ambulances, and a horse trailer. A few people rushed over to us, most of them in the barn. Two people helped Sara get of and three people led me into a trailer and drove off. But, wait! What about Sara and Ava and her dad and Tux and all the other humans and horses! I neighed and whined really loudly. The person who stayed in the back with me tried to calmed me down by giving me treats, it didn't work. Why did this have to happen, I thought.


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