Her whole body ached from head to toe. She opened her eyes slowly and looked up at the black ceiling. Who had brought her here? 

The room was blood red and the bed had black columns reaching up, almost to the ceiling, with a lacy black curtain hung around the whole bed. A huge closet sat across from the end of the bed and several surfaces sat around the room. It burned to move and her vision blurred again. 

Finally gaining the strength to move, she headed to the bathroom inside the small room and looked in the mirror. Her skin paler then before and her eyes light blue again instead of gray. She wore an over-sized shirt and a pair of boxers. 

Examining herself from head to toe, all she saw was bite marks. All her bruises and cuts healed and gone. This wasn't her body. She lifted her shirt and saw her belly button ring, hips looked the same. Legs looked normal, just abnormal without their bruises and cuts.  It was her body, minus their scars. Only bites sat upon her arms and legs. 

When she moved her neck, she felt another sting of pain. Two teeth marks dug deeper then the rest. The other bites looked like love bites from something. These looked like someone who gave a hickey too hard. Her gums ached and her mouth watered. 

Hunger? She was never hungry. Never. 

She shook off the feeling and started the water to wash her sweaty body. Pulling off her shirt brought back a memory. 

Cold hands slowly slipped up her shirt, pulling it over her head. 

Her eyes widened and glanced at the mirror, her eyes now dark red with specks of black. 

His eyes flashed red and a smirk grew on his plump lips. 

She looked back down at the boxers she had on, bites sat below them, clear as day. 

His lips grazed upon her thighs. Slowly opening his mouth to reveal a pair of fangs, biting softly into her. 

She touched the two bites on her neck again, wincing in pain. 

His jet black hair tickled her cheek as he kissed along her neck, biting into her veins, slowly sucking the blood from her. 

That's all she could remember. 

She stopped the shower and sat on the floor putting the shirt back on, and hugged her knees to her chest. She felt her eyes bright red and her heart raced. The hunger grew stronger but she didn't know what for. 

Footsteps filled the empty room and stopped outside the room. "Lizzie?" She looked up at the familiar voice. Remington was standing at the door, fully clothed in ripped black jeans and a white tank top. His eyes soft and caring. He leaned down in front of her. "Are you alright?" 

She shook her head and held out her arms and laid down her legs. "What are these? What did you do to me? My eyes are red!" 

He puts his hands on her cheeks and rubbed them lightly. "Calm down and come out of the bathroom and I'll tell you. You scare me in bathrooms."

"You don't know me." Her eyes rimmed with tears again. 

"Are you sure?" His eyes searched hers. She nodded. "Just teasing." 

Die For Something (Remington Leith/ Palaye Royale/ Denis Stoff)Where stories live. Discover now