My Boss The Mafia

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Chapter 14// Don't be a Fucking Hypocrite

I woke up to someone moving next to me. I slowly opened my eyes and was met by darkness. I squinted and looked around, remembering I was in Declan's room. 

I groaned and turned to the side, reaching for my phone on the dresser. I unlocked it and the time showed 3:28 a.m. I sighed and placed my phone back on the dresser. I turned around and saw Declan's back facing me. I reached out and wrapped my arms around him, pressing myself against his warm body. 

He grunted a bit and turned around, causing me to withdraw my arms. I opened my eyes and was met with Declan's. He was looking at me with a drowsy stare. "What are you doing up?" He asked. 

I shrugged, "just randomly woke up." He just nodded and wrapped his arms around my body, holding me close to him. I immediately snuggled into him, closing my arms and grasping onto his shirt. 

"Go back to sleep, love," he whispered. My hear fluttered at the new nickname and I closed my eyes, breathing in the scent of his apple shampoo. 


"Petra calm down, I'll be home in 20 minutes," I said. Someone was honking behind me and I growled, slamming my hand on the steering wheel. Petra started blabbering about how I needed to tell her when I was leaving. 

"Alright, I got it! I'll see you at home," I huffed and ended the call. I placed my palm on my face and sighed. What the hell am I going to do. I just found out that my aunt was some type of assassin, Petra's being weird, and Declan just cried in front of me. 

I was irked to say the least. I mean, what the hell do you do when something as big as that is sprung on you? I groaned and peeled my foot off of the brake as traffic started moving again and I was on my way home. 

Once I drove into the parking garage I parked and headed back up to the apartment, rubbing my eyes. I sighed and pulled out my key, opening the door. I flung the keys into the basket next to the door and took off my shoes, putting them on the rack. 

I spotted Petra sitting on the couch, scrolling through her phone. 

"I'm back," I said. Petra looked up at me a frowned. 

"Where the hell were you?" She asked. 

"Declan's, he had me help him with a problem he had," I said, strolling into the kitchen. She sighed behind me as I grabbed some cereal from the pantry. 

"You should've told me, April," Petra said. 

"I did tell you," I replied. 

"I mean when you're leaving, not while you're at his house."

"Well, asking for forgiveness is easier than asking for permission."

"April I'm not your guardian, but I still worry about you," Petra said. 

I sighed and turned around, leaning on the counter. "I get it Petra, I do. But stop telling me things I can and cannot do when you're doing exactly the same thing," I said. I frowned and turned back around and poured some milk into my cereal, closing the lid and putting it away. 

Petra sighed behind me and I heard her footsteps retreating back to the couch. I grabbed my cereal and brought it up to my room, hearing the faint sound of the TV from the living room. I sat down at the desk and opened my computer, turning it on. 

I opened the browser and started looking up known assassin groups, the only one popping up was the old Black Panther Party and other groups from the 1900's. I groaned and closed the browser, opening Netflix to hopefully clear my mind. 

I scooped up a bit of cereal and ate it, scrolling through the shows and movies popping up. I decided to click on Pride and Prejudice, just to give me something happy to look forward to. 

I was at the part where Lizzie was visiting Charlotte at her new home when my phone buzzed next to me. I looked down and noticed it was a text from Declan. I quickly opened it and read what he said.

Thanks for coming over last night
read 12:48 p.m. 

I smiled and typed back a response. 

no problem, i'm always here for you
read 12:49 p.m.

I set my phone back down and continued playing the movie, watching the slow-burn romance unfold. 


"April, dinners ready!" Petra called from downstairs. I sighed and shut my computer, getting up from my seat and heading downstairs. My feet made a patter sound as I walked down, my bare feet hitting the marble floor.

Petra was getting our bowls ready, putting pan roast into it. I smiled and sighed, enjoying the smell of seafood. I walked over and grabbed my bowl, going to sit down at the table. I grabbed a placemat and put it down, setting my bowl on top of it. 

Petra came over and sat down across from me at the smaller table, immediately starting to eat her soup. I sighed and took a bite of the pan roast, enjoying the salty taste. We sat in silence for a bit, with just the occasional clinking of our bowls being the only sound heard. 

Petra sighed and placed her spoon in her bowl, looking over at me. "I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier, I'm your friend, not your mother. I shouldn't be yelling at you," she apologized. 

I looked up at her and placed my spoon in my bowl. "It's fine, I didn't mean to snap either, I know where you're coming from," I told her. 

She smiled and hugged me from the side, causing me to smile. She looked at me, searching my face with her eyes. 

"Why did Declan want you to go over?" She asked. 

I froze up. I didn't know if Declan wanted me to tell her. 

I took a bite of my pan roast and looked up at her, "oh nothing really, he was having a bit of a problem with training so I went over to help." The lie slipped past my lips so effortlessly I was surprised it even happened. 

Petra nodded and hummed, taking another bite of her soup. She sighed and rested her head on her hand, looking at me. "So how's Alex?" She asked. I just shrugged my shoulders. 

"I don't know, I haven't seen him in awhile. Declan hasn't said anything about it either," I told her. She just nodded and continued to stir her food around. 

"Sorry," I said. 

Petra shook her head, "it's not your fault."

I smiled and took another bite of my soup. "Wanna have a movie night?" I asked her. 

She looked over at me and smiled, "I would love that."

_____ A/N _____

hello my loves ! how are you all doing ? i just wanted to pop in and say hi again. sorry for jumping around again, i didn't really know how i wanted this chapter to play out. we're slowly learning more about the other characters though, which is always a big plus. 

anyway, i won't keep you for too long so don't forget to eat and drink water !


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