My Boss The Mafia

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Chapter 5//Introductions Are Long Over Due Sweetheart

My eyes widened and I could hear Petra sputter a little beside me. I looked over and Petra had a hand over her mouth, her eyes were squinted and her face was kind of scrunched up...and then she started laughing.

I looked over at her, a little surprised. I was surprised she wasn't rolling on the floor at this point. She was gasping for air, little snorts sneaking their way into her laughing fit. I stood there, my mouth in an O shape, looking back and fourth between Petra and Alex.

"So sweetheart, do I get a discount or something?"

I looked back over to Isaac and had to actually process what he was saying before I finally started to ramble out words, "I-I don't actually work there. You see you-well I heard that these guys-err, your friends were snickering, well more like talking about this bet. So I kind of-I froze up- well I didn't really freeze up. Okay, point is-" I was cut off by Declan's loud laugh and Alex's amused eyes.

"What? What's so funny?"

"You froze up and gave me the number to a Sephora?"

"I-I uhh...yeah?"

That's when everyone lost it, well except for the guy who was standing by the door. I looked over at him and he had a bored expression written all over his face. Gee thanks guy, you could at least have let us go in already instead of having me be publicly humiliated.

"I have to say, that's a new one for me. Never gotten a fake number before," he shrugged. Declan nodded his head in agreement. I just looked at them with an embarrassed and kind of surprised look on my face.

"Wait, so you're telling me you've never gotten rejected before?" I asked, raising one eyebrow.

"Nope, you're the first," he told me.

That is the most unbelievable shit I've ever been told. How can two guys have never been rejected before? Especially two guys from New York...

"Alright are you all done now?"

I looked back at the guy standing by the door, his expression morphed into that of someone who was a little angry that he had to work in such...dire conditions, I guess.

Millicent looked over at him and nodded her head. When he turned around to open the door he was standing by she rolled her eyes and looked over at me, shaking her head a little. When we walked into the little side entrance I was immediately hit by the smell of popcorn and the smell of axe. We stepped into this open layout room, the carpet being red, with 2 leather couches and a large flatscreen attached to the wall. There was a coffee table in the middle of the couches with bowls of candy on them. I looked over the the left of the sitting area and there was a kitchen with marble floors and white cabinets. There was a ginormous pantry connected to it and there was a fridge tucked in the corner. There was a sink covered in black marble and the cabinets underneath it were also white. The lighting had purple hues to it and resembled that of what the outside lights were like. It immediately gave me Alice and Wonderland vibes and honestly, it was pretty dope.

"This is the VIP room. There will be bar service for those who are 21 and up, and help yourself to any of the food that's on the table, in the fridge, the pantry, etc. Hope you enjoy your night," the guy told us, walking out of the room and into the actual club. I was still looking around with pure shock on my face.

"This is fricken dope!"Alex said behind me, twirling in a little circle. Declan laughed a little and shook his head, "Only you dude." He sat down on the couch and turned the TV on, switching it to MTV. It seemed to fit the situation and when I turned to face Millicent to thank her for bringing us here, she was already gone. I assume she went to the bar but, one can only be so sure.

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