My Boss The Mafia

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Chapter 13// A Broken Piece of Machinery

what do you mean ?
read 9:38 p.m.

I need your help. Come over, now
read 9:38 p.m.

i'll be over in 20
read 9:39 p.m.

I sighed and groaned as I rolled off of my bed, trudging over to my closet. I am not in the mood for a booty call right now. I grabbed some baggy jeans and a jumper, quickly throwing them on with some simple Nike shoes. I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs, grabbing the car keys from the front door.

I'll text Petra later.

I got in the elevator and went down to the parking garage, walking down until I spotted the BMW my aunt owns. I quickly unlocked it and got in, starting the car and turning the heater on. I peeled out of the parking spot and followed my way down the parking garage, heading out to the streets of New York City.

I groaned at the traffic and quickly turned, headed towards the outskirts of the city. As I was waiting in traffic I connected my phone to the Bluetooth and played some songs, humming as I drove.

I made it to Declan's at about 10 o'clock and quickly got out of the car, heading up to the front door of his house. His parents were out again, some business trip that required them to be there.

I walked up and knocked on the door, shivering as the cold night air seeped into my skin.

Declan please hurry, I'm freezing my ass off.

The door opened and Declan was standing there, out of breath. He was wearing grey sweats and a tight muscle shirt that defined his abs and upper body. I gulped and looked up at his face. His cheeks were blotchy and pink, his eyes swollen and red, like he'd been crying. His hair was rumpled and messy, like he'd been pulling at it.

"Declan what's wrong?" I asked. He immediately pulled me into a hug and placed his head in the crook of my neck, clinging onto me. I was startled for a second but placed my arms around his neck, holding him and playing with the back of his hair.

He sniffled a couple times and walked backwards, letting me into the house. I shut the door behind me and pulled away, still holding his arms. "Declan, what happened?"

He sniffled and shook his head. "April I can't do this anymore," he breathed out.

I rubbed his arm up and down and brought him in for a hug again. He needed it. I was rubbing his back and he was hiccupping from crying so much. I sighed and pulled away, taking his hand and leading him over to his couch in the living room.

We sat down and I looked at him, wondering what to say. He hiccupped again and another tear slid down his cheek. I puffed up my cheeks and placed my hand on his arm, rubbing my fingers along it. Declan sighed and placed his head in his hands, propping himself up on his elbows. I moved my hand towards his back and started rubbing it in circles, trying to help calm him down.

"Just tell me when you're ready to talk...okay?" I told him. I saw him nod his head as he tried calming himself down. It was refreshing to see him so vulnerable, I'd never seen him like this and I felt terrible, but it was nice to know that he's human. That he's not some robot who kills people at the age of 18.

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