My Boss the Mafia

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Chapter 10// Training in Progress, Please Hold

Three pounds on my door startled me awake. I opened my eyes and inched backwards further into my bed. I sat up and looked around. Nothing was in here...nothing that I could see at least.

"April! Breakfast is ready, hurry up!"

I sighed when I recognized Alex's voice and laid back down, trying to get my heart beating at a normal rate again. I stared up at the ceiling, noticing a slight blue tint in it. I frowned, that's weird. I wonder why the ceiling was blue.

Someone knocked at me door again and I turned my head to see the door opening. Declan walked in wearing sweats and no shirt. I widened my eyes and could feel my face getting hot.

"Ha, good morning, breakfast is ready," he told me, walking closer to the bed.

"Yeah, I heard Alex over the sound of my heart leaping out of my chest," I replied.

"He scared you that bad?" He laughed. I nodded my head and put a hand over my heart, "my chest hurts."

Declan frowned and then smiled, picking me up out of bed. I yelped and grabbed his shoulders.

"What? I'm not gonna drop you yet," he said.

"Yet? I hope you mean on the couch and not the floor."

"We'll see how I feel when we get downstairs."

I groaned and wrapped my arms around his neck. He was carrying me like a baby, head over one arm, legs over the other. I would say bridal style, but my heart can't take that this early in the morning.

Every time he took a step I would bounce up and down.

"Yo, could you not go down the stairs so...peppy?" I asked.

"Gee, my bad princess for carrying you all the way downstairs. You can walk from now on."

"Wait, Declan I didn't-"

He dropped me onto the tile floor and I yelped again. I felt my tailbone hit the floor and a shooting pain went through my spine.

"Ow, you asshole," I said.

"Get up then, it's not hard to walk, missy," Declan said.

I mumbled about how much of an asshole he was and he laughed, "I can hear you, you know."

"That's the point," I said, sitting on one of the bar stools.

"What? You want me to get your breakfast for you too?" He asked me.

"Yes, that would be lovely," I said.

"Too bad sweetheart, every man for himself," he said, scooping up half of the hash browns left.

"Hey! Don't eat everything!" I said standing up. I grabbed a plate and hip bumped him out of the way, grabbing the rest of the hash browns.

"Oh, now who's eating everything."

"Hey, a girl's got to eat too," I said, scooping up an egg. I grabbed some bacon and a piece of bread and set my plate down. I went over to the cupboard and opened it, looking for the butter.

"It's already on the table," Alex said. I peeked over the cupboard and saw Alex walking downstairs.

"Oh, thank you! Where's Petra?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders and mumbled 'bathroom.' I nodded my head and went over to the fridge grabbing some jam. I grabbed a butter knife from a drawer and headed over to my seat.

I sat down and opened the jam and the butter, slicing a piece with the knife and spreading it over the bread. I wiped the knife off with a napkin and scooped up some jam. I closed the jam and picked up the bread, taking a bite out of it.

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