My Boss The Mafia

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Chapter 7//Hello Old Man, May I Offer You a Blowjob?

I stared at Declan until my eyes started to burn. I squinted a little bit and opened my eyes again, trying to regain moisture. Declan didn't move at all, the only indication I had of him being alive was that he was eating his fries from In-N-Out.

"Gahh, I give up!" I said, closing my eyes and putting my hands on them. I rubbed my eyes to help get them to see properly again. I looked up and saw Declan had a smirk on his face.

"So, what now?" I asked. I grabbed one of his fries and popped it into my mouth, smiling. Declan glared at me and pulled his fries towards him.

"I don't know, Isaac and Petra went to the store so, we have about 30 more minutes to kill before they come back," he told me. "If they aren't doing anything else in the car."

I scrunched my face up and stuck my tongue out, "Ew, don't say that." I waved my hands in front of my face and put them back down. Declan raised an eyebrow and started laughing at me. He grabbed a burger from out of the In-N-Out bag and unwrapped the wax paper from the burger, taking a bite out of it.

I reached out my hand and tried grabbing the bag so I could grab my burger but Declan grabbed it before I could, holding it out of my reach. I groaned and lunged across the table to try and grab it but ended up right in Declan's face, almost falling off the table. He grabbed my arm and held me at arms length, still holding the In-N-Out bag in his other hand.

"You know, if you wanted to kiss me you could have just asked for a kiss, you didn't have to almost kill yourself to do it," he smirked at me.

"You're so stupid you know that," I said, shaking my head and yanking my arm back. I fell forward a little bit and yelped, catching myself on Declan.

Apparently, I caught myself on his lap. A little too far South.

"H-hey! Watch your hands!" He said, smacking me away.

"Ah, careful! I'm gonna land on my face!" I yelped, falling forward, tumbling into him. His chair fell backward and he yelled, sprawling over me. I clenched my eyes shut and tried leveraging our fall but I ended up underneath Declan instead of anywhere else.

I kept my eyes shut and I felt myself gripping onto his shirt but I couldn't let go.

"Uh, you can let go now, April, the floor isn't going to swallow you whole anymore," Declan told me. I opened my eyes and looked around me for a second, making sure we weren't in an unstable condition. I smiled and scooted back a little bit until my head hit the wall.

Declan was still on top of me and he was smirking. I hit his arm and tried getting up but he put his hand on my stomach. My eyes widened and my pulse quickened a little bit before I narrowed my eyes and grabbed his hand.

He looked surprised for a second before he sat in a crouched position and pulled me up with him. I sighed and wiped my butt before turning around and sitting on the counter, pulling Declan's fries toward me and shoving a couple in my mouth. He looked at me and crossed his arms, gesturing for me to give them back. I smirked and ate a couple more, just trying to annoy him.

Declan rolled his eyes and reached for the fries, lunging towards me. I pulled my arm back until we were face to face, only a few inches apart. I smirked and looked him up and down, "how's it feel now?"

His face got a bit red before he shook his head and grabbed the fries from me, "you know you could have gotten your own."

"But I ate mine already, I did get my own," I pouted.

"Well next time maybe you shouldn't wolf it down," he suggested.

I crossed my arms and looked at the In-N-Out bag. I reached out and grabbed it, getting my burger from inside and unwrapping the wax paper.  I took a bite and offered some to Declan but, he declined. I sighed and got off the table, going to grab some water.

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