"And, where's your- oh my god!" Stiles shouts at the sight of the dead body of the nurse in the trunk. The nurse we just saw the other day at the hospital is now dead in the trunk.

I attempt to move closer to Stiles until Peter yanks me back to his side. Stiles winces and stretches for my hand. Eagerly, I grab his hand in mine, seeking some kind of comfort. If Peter won't allow me to stand next to Stiles then I'm at least going to hold his hand.

Peter snatches a bag from the dead nurse's grasp and shoves it into Stiles' chest. "I got better." He answers his question.

Peter slams the trunk shut, rolling his eyes at our intertwined hands. He grabs the bag back, slips out a laptop, and sets it on the trunk. He's going to track Derek down.

"Good luck getting a signal out here." Stiles mumbles, sarcasm dripping in his voice. Peter hands him a small, black device. "Oh, MiFi? And, you're a Mac guy. Does that go for all werewolves or is it just a personal preference?"

His sarcasm makes me crack a smile, even during all of this, Stiles can still be his sarcastic self.

"Turn it on. Get connected." Peter rolls his eyes, annoyed. "Do it or I break her arm." He grabs my good arm in one hand, squeezing.

"Stop! Stop! Okay, I'll do it!" Stiles rushes to the laptop. "J-Just don't hurt her."

Peter drops my arm. "Good choice."

"I'm going to kill you." I calmly say to Peter.

Stiles glimpses at the two of us, quickly pulling me to his side. I relax against Stiles' touch, more than happy to be by him instead of the psycho we are forced to help.

"You know, you're really killing the whole werewolf mystique thing here." Stiles hooks up the MiFi. "Look, you still need Scott's username and password, and I'm sorry, but I don't know them."

I bite my lip, knowing Stiles is lying. We both know Scott's information to his computer. I've taken his laptop many times when mine was dead.

"You know them." Peter states, dead-panned.

"No, I don't." Stiles snaps, annoyed.

"Even if I couldn't hear your heartbeat- I would still know you are lying." Peter smirks, closing the distance between me and him. "Don't make me hurt her."

"Okay, first of all, my heart beat is out of freaking control because the girl I love is being threatened by you and could be slowly dying for all I know. And, I'm telling you that I don't know them!" Stiles blows up from the amount of pressure on him. This is too much for him.

In a matter of a few seconds, Peter slams my head into the trunk of the car. I gasp in pain from the metal being forced against my head. "I can be very persuasive, Stiles. Don't make me persuade you." His claws extend from his nails.

"Stop!" Stiles reaches for me, but Peter aggressively points at the laptop with the hand that isn't holding me down. "Please don't hurt her. I-I can't lose h-her."

My heart breaks at Stiles' crying. He feels so guilty for all of this. Stiles blames himself for this happening to me. If anyone is to blame, it's me. I should have stopped Lydia from leaving the dance. I could have saved us both. If Lydia doesn't survive the bite, I'll be the reason she is dead, if she survives the bite, then it's my fault that she is a werewolf.

"Let her go and I'll do it." Stiles hovers his fingers over the keys.

Peter shrugs and releases me. I rush right back to Stiles' side. The sound of gagging comes from Peter as I clench my fingers around Stiles' half untucked shirt.

Desperate Measures (Teen Wolf) [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]Where stories live. Discover now